The bully - Buddie

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I wanted to try something different, so they are both in school and Eddie is like the 'scary' tough guy at school who everyone is scared of but Buck is the one guy Eddie wouldn't hurt even though Buck keeps pushing his buttons, because he is secretly in love with him. (they're like 16, 17)

Idea is definitely from Klaus and Caroline from TVD but not really like that

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It was bucks first day at his new school, he had do get moved because of his whole family drama, but he was happy now in the custody of Bobby and Athena, his true parents at heart, not the two terrible beings that go by the names Margaret and Phillip. The two of them would constantly beat him and Maddie until they're was no where left to leave in cut and bruises so they would have to wait until the skin cleared, as they would say, "It's not as enjoyable if I cant see the marks forming, so go to your bed and come back when your a clean slate again, once they're gone you can come down and get fed or whatever you needy kids want."

He was happy now, only few marks remain but those were hidden under clothes or in his mind. He got quite good at hiding whether it was hiding himself or things and secrets from his family, the main one being that he was gay. Bobby and Athena knew of his sexuality and were more that supportive, acting more like best friends than parents sometimes but it was good, what Buck needed.

As he walked into school he kept his head up but still out the way, not wanting to cause trouble before he even knew anyone. A funny feeling ran through his spine, it was nervousness, it felt cold and lonely, he was surrounded in people but he still felt lonely. Slowly, he navigated himself to his first class was chemistry, which he was good at, it helps when you have tones of free time locked in your room with books of all kind, he used it was a distraction from the pain and hunger he felt. It was a partner experiment so Buck having no one to partner with and Eddie who people where too scared to partner with, paired up with each other. (Of course they did other wise this would be boring AF) 

Buck sat down to the muscular, tough looking boy next to him and introduced himself. 

"Hi i'm Buck, and you..."

"Don't give two shits," Eddie interrupted, shutting down any chance of a conversation Buck was planning on. However, Buck saw past the shallow comments and the 'scary' look. He say Eddie for who he truly was, another teenage boy who is taught to make everyone fear him by his parents. 

"Thanks for the opinion, does it come with a name,"

"Like you don't already know it."

"I would have, if you told me," Thats what it took, Eddie finally looked over at Buck, it was only a glance, one Eddie would regret because in the split second he looked for, he saw love, hope, compassion and friendliness. Things he hated, despised even, but why was it when he looked at the boy he couldn't hate him. It's like there was a soft spot hidden in his core of rock. That soft spot was labeled 'Buck'. Yet he still show no signs of weakness, he was still the same as he was five minutes ago on the outside but inside that spot started to grow and grow till he felt butterflies in his stomach, he was ashamed of them and the slight tint he felt appearing on his cheeks when he looked into Bucks striking blue eyes. Yet again, nothing changed he still looked as fierce as ever. 

"It's Eddie to you."

"Great to know Eds, or is it Edmundo,"

"No." An Icy chill was left after the cold answer.

"Ok name is a soft spot, I cant say much seeing as Bucks not my real name, I just don't like Evan," Eddie raised his eye brows showing slight shock, while inside him he was pleased someone was talking to him and not just running away screaming, he really did do that to himself though. 

Soon enough their lesson was over and Buck was going in the same direction as Eddie before he turned around to confront Buck.

"Are you following me?"

"Why, are you going to your secret layer to sit in silence and pretend you don't care about anyone."

"No, I was planning on crushing some bones. Wanna come?" He said with the last part holing the most sarcasm one has ever heard.

"Actually, I have stuff to do but i'll take you up on that offer some other time," Buck was confident and cheery, he felt something different, it was comfort. Eddie was left confused, was he just rejected when asking some one to hang out, he hadn't actually thought he asked.

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Buck had history next so he was just putting the rest of the things in his new locker, when some other guy came up to him closing the locker door ever so slightly on his hands trying to hurt him but failing. The sound caused him to jump back lightly, bringing up old memories, the other guy was threatening to hurt Buck as he just stood watching, waiting. He was about to go for his first punch before the locker slammed BANG! crushing all of his fingers and he yelped in pain, in a fetal position on the floor. 

They walked simultaneously to their next class before releasing they're in the same class again. It was like that for most classes. And always the two would sit together and partner up, Buck enjoyed the 'friendship' while Eddie felt slightly protective of him.

"So Eds, whats the plans for the week,"

"Call me that one more time and I will snap your arm."

"I'm calling your bluff, or you would have already done it." Only silence was heard from Eddie after that, Buck new he had won, and there wasn't even a competition.

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It had been a few weeks of this banter between the two and they grew to be quit close no matter how much Eddie protest, so when Buck asked if he wanted to come round and study for and upcoming test at his he agreed.

The two parents were over the moon, gossiping and questioning Buck. "Do you like him?" "Are you dating?" He answered "yes" to the first but told them, they "would have known if they were together."

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As he knocked on the door Eddie started feeling the butterflies again, but now they were more like elephants stomping or horses galloping. The door was opened soon after by Athena she was in full cop uniform and she recognised the boy, his whole family has had a few run ins with the police but nothing that recently, it looked like they were going clean or they just hadn't been caught. Eddie waited nervously as Athena stared at him, down into his soul, trying to read his thoughts and dreams. 

"Athena, this is Eddie, Eds this is my mum" Bucks voice came as he walked round the corner. 

"We've met." It was cold and sharp, and it came from Athena!

"Mum, trust me he's nice,"

"You know I trust you, and if he's your 'friend' then he can come by anytime," She stated relaxing a bit while she was walking out the door.

"Your dad's on shift and i'm going on mine, May and Harry are at a friends so the house is all yours, foods in the kitchen already made, love you."

"Thanks, Love you too,"

They walked to Bucks room grabbing the snacks on the way and plop onto his bed. He notices that Eddie is just sitting there looking at him with a slight flick upwards at the corners of his lips.

"Where's your study notes?" Buck asks

"I don't study."

"So why are you here?"

"I was bored."

"Is that right?"

"Ok what up the questions we're not playing twenty one questions are we?"

"Thats a great idea, do you like me?"

"Thats a bold starting question, yes I do quite like you."

"In what way?" Eddie became a little shy at that question, showing that side of him ever so slightly because he knew he was safe place. Instead of answering, he came hovering over Buck and ever so slightly went down and pecked his lips, it was gentle and soft, caring even, Buck was shocked.

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I'm just going to stop it there but I might do a part two, maybe smut but idk, let me know if you would want that.

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