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Sorry I've not written in a while but I had a tough few weeks, but I'm feeling a bit better and will try to write more. Also I can't wait for season 7 AHHHH!!!


The whole team just assumed 'Buck' was his birth given name, well everyone but Bobby. It wasn't until Bucks "parents" came round to the station that they found out otherwise, now it's all that anyone talks about in the station, and every time they say his birth given name it's like a punch to the stomach.

"Hey EVAN," Chim shouted mockingly. It was still a secret to the station on why he chose a new name and he didn't want to get into explaining it so he sucked it up and went to the bathroom to calm down.

The jokes didn't stop all day, not on calls, not at dinner, not until Buck snapped. He'd had enough. Only Hen Ravi and Chimney were there and it they kept prying at him, so buck just ask quietly if they could stop but he got ignored and when Ravi shouted the name at him the last time, he snapped. 


They were left shocked, never had they seen Buck so serious about anything. To him most things were jokes but when it comes to that name, it's not funny. Buck isn't a nickname it is something he feels safe with and it doesn't remind him of his shitty home life of when he was younger. However, there were some exceptions, like if he felt so safe with a person that the name they called him didn't matter, someone who didn't need to give him a constant reminder he was okay, because their presence was the reminder. It was hard to fit into that category for buck, only few did, his true family (Maddie, Bobby and Athena), and his absolute best friend Eddie, and also Christopher.

After the incident Buck went rushing into the bunks, tears threatening his hard outer shell trying to tear him apart and engulf him in an endless pit of sorrow. He never meant to shout, it just became too much. As he lay there wishing to change to past he heard the door swing open crashing against the side. From instinct he crawled into a ball in the corner of his bed, it made him feel safer. His arms wrapped around himself, he told himself that if he couldn't see them that meant they couldn't see him. It's a trick he used when he was living with his old family, it worked when he was younger but now he realised it was no use but still used it as a form of protection.

As he looked up, he was delighted to see that it was a familiar figure, large but not overpowering, fierce but not intimidating, strong yet gentle, it was non other than Eddie. It took a mater of seconds for Eddie to rush over to Buck and start comforting him, reminding him that he was okay and his old parents couldn't get to him anymore especially now that he had a restraining order against them. Normally that worked to calm him down, but not this time. This time buck was having a proper panic attack. 

"Buck, can you hear me," no response just more heavy breathing.

"I know you can't talk but can you tap me twice if you can?" This time there was a response, two taps on Eddies arm.

"Okay, thats good, breathe with me Buck you're having a panic attack," He brought Bucks hand up to his chest and started doing deep breaths, soon Buck joined in too. After a few more ins and a few more outs Bucks breathing rhythm was back to almost normal.

"I wasn't having a panic attack, I used to have these all the times as a kid." Eddie just stared at him blankly knowing the truth but not wanting to hurt buck, he was just a child at heart.


idk about the ending but if you haven't noticed I HATE Bucks "parents". Bobby and Athena are his only parents, and Maddie to an extent.

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