Bar Fight - tarlos

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I don't know what I was doing, my mind was telling me not to but my body was walking, it wouldn't stop. It was one foot after another until I was standing out side of the bar hoping I would realise this was a huge mistake.

I sat at an empty table dwelling on the previous events, my dad having cancer, my mom dying me going to hospital multiple times. On this half an hour long rabbit hole that I was going down I remembered my life before, when I would get so high out of my mind I couldn't feel pain, the times I could just leave the life I was in for a few minutes and be happy or someone with not so many issues. 

Again my feet just started walking and this time it was to get a drink, it was a gin I ordered. I walked back to my table, going back to my old life, remembering the good, the bad, the ugly and the pretty. This time the rabbit hole led my to my journey, my journey of overcoming those problems. It led me to my dad beating cancer, my half brother still here for my mom to live through and me surviving all those brushes with death. 

'I can't waste my life' I thought 'not after all i've been through to save it.' 

I had saved myself. I overcame my dark thoughts and i'm still going strong with two years counting. I went back to the bar to grab a mineral water and get them to chuck my old drink. 

I was only waiting for a few seconds but somehow I was being approached. I couldn't make out who it was because it was too busy and I wasn't focused on it but I turned around to be met with a fist, straight into my face almost braking my nose. Another punch then another straight to my ribs, I heard a cracking sound, then an excruciating pain. It reminded me of something, well someone. Then I saw it the same walk, the same eyes, the same way he would send me to hospital. No, it couldn't be, can it, surely it's not "Alex?" 

"Hey TK, it's been a while," 

"The plan was never,"

"Come on, you didn't really think you could just leave right?"

"You left me." I tried to shout, my voice was barley audible and I was curled up on the floor. Everyone was just looking at me, thinking its just another bar fight with one who can't sand up for themselves. I attempted standing up and I managed to mutter the words "call 9 1 1 plea.." before I was smacked again falling onto the cold hard alcohol soaked floor.


Nobodys POV:

The Police arrive, well one officer and obviously it had to be Carlos. The last thing Tk needed was for his Husband to be the officer on call. "What's happened?" Carlos asked the manager. Well this guy came to get a drink and while he was waiting someone just started beating him to the ground, he's been unconscious ever since. 

"Okay, thank you paramedics should be here in a minuet," Carlos had yet to realise it was the love of his life on the floor. He approached the unconscious lump to examine the injuries but as soon as he knelt down he identified him. 

"TK!?!" he had started to blink his eyes open.

"Carlos is that you?" 

"Ohh god, what happened," 

"He got me,"

"Who got you Tk?" He was about to answer but he blacked out again before he could say anything.

The 126 barged through the door and ran to Tk, Carlos radioed them to tell them who it was and what happened. Tommy and Nancy assessed him and he was bad, not life threatening but still very bad. Owen walked over to see his son who is in a state no parent wants to see their child in.

"h... he's he.. here," Tk whispered 

"You mean HIM?" 


"Ohh no, we'll get Carlos to look for him."

"But Carlos will get hurt,"

"That doesn't matter, as long as you're safe." Carlos interrupted, even though he had no idea what the conversation was about but he still always had the wright answer.

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