Assembly (911)

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I know its been a while and i'm sorry but i'm back now and i'm going to try and post more regularly. Also this has nothing to do with season seven but i'm going to do one based in that time soon.

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It was just an average Thursday for most of the students at Durand School. Well for everyone except Christopher, because the last sight that he got of his best friend was Buck connected to machines, each tube desperately trying to hold onto and saver his last breaths and heartbeats. Chris knew what would happen, many people don't give him credit for his brains but when you get forced into growing up either from distant family or being around hospitals all your life, you start to understand more than your average child. 

The large screen flashed in the front of the assembly hall as he was slowly brought back to reality. When his eyes started to focus back on the screen he felt the nausea creep back up on him, his arms started shaking, the pit in his stomach sunk deeper and deeper until his breaths started to go, they became shallow and hard to catch but all he could focus on were the big word on the screen reading out, 'Evan Buckley, Hero struck down!' He couldn't believe it. Everyone could see it. He wanted to scream. Shout! but instead he just sat there sinking further and further into his chair. 

Sure it was no doubt that one of LA's best firefighter had been hurt but they were all talking like he was dead, he wasn't, well at least thats what Christophers was trying to tell himself. To him it wasn't an option because Buck said he would always be there for him and Buck never goes back on his word especially not to Chris. 

As the slides changed more pictures, quotes and massages from others flashed before him all of them honouring the life he had, why couldn't they talk about the life he will have? With more time, more questions crept into Chris's mind until it all became too much. Out of nowhere he got up and started shouting.

"HE'S NOT DEAD, HE PROMISED HE WOULDN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THE OTHERS DID." Every one was shocked. The teachers were mad, he was disrupting the important assembly and all the students just thought that he was an attention seeker but none of them knew the real reason and no one even thought it was possible for someone like Christopher to know someone like Buck. 

Chris didn't really have any friends, everyone around just thought he was the weird kid, and since Carla was always the one to pick him up and drop him off at school, no one ever found out about his family or personal life. So while the teachers were taking him away from the assembly and banishing him to an empty classroom, he was still confused on what was going on.

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Chris was back at school the nest day, only difference is that he had now been to see his best friend and to say the least it did not lift his spirits. To make matters worse he was now the laughing stock of the school. Sure he had been bullied before, it comes with the illness but this time it was different this time they were bringing a dying man into it and that hurt Chris more than any of his injuries. 

"We knew you were a freak, we didn't know you were a lier too." Some random kid spat as they strutted past Chris.

"I'm not lying, I went to see him yesterday," Chris replied trying to get them to understand.

"They don't allow kids in the ICU so now we definitely know you're lying," Chris was still confused, they did allow kids, he was in there, why didn't they just believe him. 

The bullying continued day after day and on-top of that, Buck was still fighting for his life in hospital and his dad was having a rough time without Buck. It was all taking a toll on Chris, he had permanent streams of tears running down his face, he barely left his room and he wasn't really eating the microwaveable meals his dad was serving, because with out Buck everything was falling apart. 

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They were all sitting in the waiting room, just doing as it says, waiting, waiting for good news, waiting for bad news, just waiting for anything they could tell them about Buck. For hours they seemed to just be continuing that. Until one nurse came running through the door. 

"Evan Buckley, is anyone here for Evan Buckley." 

"We are," everyone said in unison.

"He responded well to taking him off the oxygen, he took a breath on his own. If anyone wants to go see him he is getting moved from the ICU as we speak so he can be visited now." Sighs of relief and screams of joy were shared. They all wen't to see Buck, he was lying in his bed but instead of tubes in his mouth, it was replaced with a large smile, getting to see his family again. 

"Your back!" Eddie stated.

"I told Chris I wouldn't leave him, and I never go back on my word, especially not to Chris," 

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It was a few weeks later and Buck was back to getting around like normal, but he wasn't firefighter fit yet, which again worked great for Eddie because Carla got to take a vacation to spend time with her family and Buck got to spend more time with his. And thank god for that because Chris finally got some homemade food that was edible for once.

It was Buck's first time picking Chris up from school and he was collecting him for a doctors appointment. He got there early because he was nervous he would mess something up.

The lady at the desk was shocked at first, wondering why someone like Buck would be at there school, then she brushed it off thinking he was here to give a talk.

"I'm sorry Mr Buckley,  we don't seem to have a schedule talk from you,"

"What talk, i'm here to pick up Christopher for a doctors appointment,"

"Christopher, as in Christopher Diaz."

"Ye, I work with his farther Edmundo Diaz," he lightly chuckled at using his whole name. Now the receptionist was really shocked and was regretting having laughed about Chris in the break room. 

"I'm sorry do you have proof that you are allowed to be taking Cristopher out without his farther."

"I'm his god father, I should be on the list of contacts." Once the receptionist checked, she let him through to Chris's classroom. 

When Chris saw Buck his face lit up. The teacher was confused and so were the students but they were all quite happy to be getting a random talk from a hero who came back from the dead, to them he was like a zombie superman, and nothing was cooler to them than that. Although the were soon shocked when Chris started to get out his seat and walk towards Buck. 

"Sit down, you're not special why would Evan want to see one more than the other, especially you, no one want's to see that, if he wanted to talk to anyone in particular it would be me,"  One of his classmates stated. 

Buck was about to say something back to defend Chris but before he could say anything Chris beat him to it.

"You sure about that because last time I checked, I was the one over at his house last night playing video games with him and getting meals cooked by him also his name is Buck, only family get to call him Even and you definitely haven't earned that right," While everyone elce was left speech less Buck was smiling and laughing to himself. 

"I taught you well,"

"Too well,"

"Ok but you father never hears of this, he would kill me,"

"Deal," Buck picked Christopher up and carried him out and the got in Buck car and drove away.

"Buck, you're going the wrong way, you were suppose to turn left to the doctors."

"Your doctors appointment is tomorrow,"

"So why am I out of school,"

"Ice cream?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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