Girlfriend in a coma - Buddie

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Ik it's a lot of Buddie but i'm really exited for the next season. Also if you don't know the song it's called 'Girlfriend in a coma - 2011 remaster' by the smiths.


There was a sad chill in the air. There always was when you were in a waiting room, sitting down or pacing until you heard if your loved on was okay. It was Eddie this time, he fell off a house roof and landed himself in a coma. Everyone was sitting down worrying and waiting for more news and just as Buck was about to burst through the waiting room doors, the doctors entered with an update. 

"Mr Diaz is recovering well, he has had a major blow to the head and some internal bleeding and broken bones. We are keeping him in a medically induced coma until he heals further."

"Can we see him," Buck almost shouted at the poor lady.

"Yes you can go to visit him if you would like." 

They walked to Eddies room just managing to not cry, but the sight of the dead looking man forced the tears out. It was silent. Not a sole dared to make a sound. Buck looked away from the love of his life for one second and seemed to be on his phone. Soon there was a slight mummer sound coming from his phone, then after a second or two the words were recognisable, he was playing Girlfriend in a coma. 

"Girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know its serious," 

"Boyfriend in a coma, I know, I know it's serious," buck soon started mumbling along and soon he was karaoke style singing along.  

"Do you really think he'll pull through ... Do you really think he'll pull through Ooh oOoh," Buck sang, adjusting the lyrics here and there.

The song came to an end and everyone was just staring blank faced at Buck. He looked happy though, and with a whole-hearted smile he said it was an agreement that if one was to go in a come the other had to play the song. 


I don't know okay. I was bored, liked the song and made it, please tell me if you liked it. Also a double publish, shocking I know.

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