Speeding ticket - Tarlos

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Tk's POV:

Today started off like any other, I wasn't back to full strength from my latest injury but I could still do some house hold chores. So, I decided I would get the groceries. You would think it would be an easy enough task, but if i'm doing it something has to go wrong. 

I went to the car park but when I looked in my spot my car was missing. I was in a panic, some must have stolen it, but as I was going to call Carlos I saw he already texted me.

Carlos: I took your car to work today, I picked up the wrong key and was in a rush. Either way, you don't need the car as you are to STAY AT HOME until I get back. xx

Tk: Will do, love you xx

As it so happens his car was there and I was not staying home. I got in his car and headed to the store.

Nobody's POV:

Charlie was a new police officer at the Austin Police Station so he didn't really know anyone or their spouses, all he knew was that he recognised the car in front and it was speeding. So, he did what any sensible police officer would do and he pulled it over.

Tk was jamming to his music not noticing he was over the speed limit, not until he heard loud sirens screeching in his way. 'Shit' he thought hoping inside it was Carlos in that car but of course it was the only cop he didn't know in the station. 

As Charlie walked over he suddenly realised who's car it was, it was Carlos's, the guy at work that he had a crush on. He approached the car thinking it was Carlos but was shocked to find another man sitting in his place. 

"Lisence and registration."

"Here is my license, but the car belongs to my fiancé so it's not under my name but I am on the policy." He passed the papers to the officer. Charlie wasn't happy with the response, wether it was the fact his crush was engaged or something seemed off, a random man he didn't know driving his colleagues car and speeding to opposite way of the station. 

"Sir please step out of the vehicle," Tk was getting scared, sure he had been to jail a couple to times for drug possession and DUI's but never speeding, he thought he would just get a ticket. He got into the back of the police car and taken to the station for interrogation. 

They arrived soon and as they walk through the door everyone came to see him. Detective Washington was the first to greet him because she grew rather fond of him, because he would go on coffee runs and bring in baked good during his many leaves of absences, but before Charlie could say or do anything, the detective was already asking about his life. She went in for a hug but was disappointed when Tk was not reciprocating the gesture. 

"You better hug me back or I will find a way to arrest you,"

"You don't need to," with that Tk turned around to show the cuffs on his wrists. The whole station started laughing shouting things like, "Wow, a cop with a prisoner for a fiancé." or "I wonder what Carlos will say." After that comment Tk started to worry. That was until someone in the group said rather loudly, "You two must get up to some weird things in bed, you're taking the cops and robbers role play to a new level." Everyone erupted with laughter, to the point where the criminals would be getting concerned. Suddenly, the laughter stopped when realisation struck upon them, if he was in cuffs there was a likely chance he was at a bar and broke his two long years of dedication. 

"If you're wondering, No I did not drink, I was speeding."

"Tk, you don't get taken in for speeding, you get a ticket for that,"

"Ohh can I do that quickly before Carlos come back, he would actually kill me if he knew this happened." Everyone looked at Charlie wondering why he was planning on putting Carlos's soon to be husband behind bars.

"In my defence I had never seen him before and I didn't even know Carlos was engaged."

"Have you never listened to him, all he says is Tk this, Tk that, like can he actually talk about something else for once... no offence Tk, we love you."

"None taken, where is he though?" Once they explained that he had left to check up on him, Tk knew he was fucked. He would be so worried, probably already dialling 9-1-1. Tk was actually scared now, if Carlos knew what was happening, Tk wouldn't need a cell, he'd need a coffin.


Carlos came running through the door rushing to his desk to file a missing persons report, when he saw a brown haired paramedic in his seat. There was a loud sigh of relief and soon he was hugging Tk until he thought he would rip out the stitches that were keeping his fiancé in one piece.

"Why are you here, don't get me wrong I love seeing you but why?"

"I missed you," he semi lied.

"Tk's lying, he got arrested,"

"WHAT!" Carlos exclaimed shooting daggers into him. As Tk sat there recently defeated he gazed up at his partner who was towering over him, he let his eye hope and beg for forgiveness which Carlos was reluctant to give him.

"He's fine, it's a long story but he was only fined for speeding," Detective Washington butted in.

"Speeding, I'm gonna have have you arrested for lying to a officer,"

"Who'd I lie too?"

"ME, when you said you would. Stay. At. Home."

"That doesn't count, we're almost married,"

"How,?" they continued their conversation while walking back to Tk's car.

"You can't use you job on me,"

"Thats like saying if i'm dying you cant save me,"

"Well thats different... because.. I.. Shut up." They were both laughing as they got in the car, just happy to be with each other again.


I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading and your support. More that 1K reads!!! Its amazing, and if you have any requests you can comment on here or message me privately, i'm open to anything. ( with some limitations ) Anyway thanks so much. xx

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