name tags - Buddie

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Sorry that it's been awhile since I last updated but I was busy.

Eddies POV:

Riiiing, riiiiiiing... Ohh god that was the alarm going off, I hadn't noticed. I looked at the clock it was 8:30, we were going to be late. I turn over to buck who was peacefully sleeping, the slivers of daylight that were coming through the curtains were making him glow. His hair was messy but not in a bad way, he looked so calm I almost felt bad for shaking him awake. Not really, it was quite funny. 

We were in a rush, we had to be out the house in 10 minuets and we still had to get completely ready. I put my uniform on and headed down to get the stuff together, Buck followed soon after. It took 15 minutes but we got out eventually.


Bucks POV:

We Arrived not too long after but we were still met by Cap standing at the door, red faced and sending scolding looks our way. He approached us, the anger being more prominent with every step he took. 

"You guys are 10 minutes late, what if we got a call and needed you, you're letting the team down."

"Sorry cap, we were umm..." Eddie started

"Stuck in traffic," I butted in. I got a look of thanks from Eddie as he's not the best at coming up with lies on the spot, he's very good at other things though ;)

We weren't yet out to the team, not because we didn't think they would be supportive, just because we hadn't found the right time yet. Cap looked us up and down then said. "Sureee, okay, well go get ready."

That was weird, he was just shouting at us, why now is he being nice? It wasn't just him every time we saw the group they would start snickering and giggling. Worst of all, we then had a talk about how we shouldn't have relationships with our co-workers. I felt targeted, like they knew about us, they don't know, do they?

Hen's POV:

We were killing our selfs laughing. Somehow they didn't notice that they had been wearing each-others uniform the whole time, Buck with Eddies badge and Eddie with bucks. The talk was obviously my idea, with a bit of help from Chim, but the looks they gave each-other were priceless. Confusion, shock and embarrassment all in the one look. I was subtly dropping hints, but they weren't getting them, like calling them each-others names, or pointing at the others shirt and saying somethings off about it but they still didn't get it.

No- ones POV:

Soon Buck had enough, and came over to see what was happening.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing, why do you ask Eddie?"

"MY NAME IS NOT EDDIE WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME THAT!" Buck was pissed now, he was filled with anger, rage, frustration and then when he looked over at Eddie there was embarrassment. He finally saw it In all caps, shining on Eddies left chest the word 'BUCKLY'. Ohh fuck they had the wrong uniforms on and everyone had just seen it.

"Eddie name tag,"

"What about it?" Eddie asked before he looked over to my chest, and saw 'DIAZ' engraved on the tag. They headed to the changing room to switch their uniforms but after not even two steps the bell rang, so they got to be made fun of for the whole ride there and back. The team were obviously supportive but couldn't stop laughing at their stupidity.

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