BONUS CHAPTER 2 - GoodMorning

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The sun shined through the window, the birds were chirping, Fiore's tear soaked fingers grasped the paper in a final desperate grip as she ripped it into pieces. Fiore hugged herself tightly, digging her nails into her arms and scratching with a self-disgust and frustration she had never felt before. Fiore had hated Alec with a fury she didn't understand, wishing for him to die a slow and painful death. "I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM I SWEAR." Fiore looked out of her window, taking in the view of the outside world, and being filled with a sense of weakness and shame as she realized how she had allowed herself to feel anything at all, she vowed to never feel anything, though she had.

Alec closed his book and looked around at the empty chairs at the dining room table, a sudden sense of emptiness filling him as he realized that no one would be coming home to hug him as tight and loving as his son used to. Alec slowly stands up and heads out into the morning sun, the warmth of the sun and light filling him with a sense of peace and comfort as he steps outside. "Why do I even bother." He sighed. Alec understands that Fiore will likely be angry to see him after their last encounter, so he is feeling hesitant and nervous about them seeing each other once more.

Fiore walks inside the school annoyed as she is reminded of the place she dislikes being in the most, and just wanting to escape from it all and find someplace to make herself feel better about the situation, though she was afraid of seeing Alec.. Fiore walks to the bathroom, though feels a tap on the shoulder. "Not this time young lady." Her teacher escorted her to class, Fiore fights tears of anger.

She prays Alec will come back.

but she didn't care about him.

he wasn't her friend.


he wasn't her dad.

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