chapter 2

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At least an hour had gone by since Noah had started talking to Lisa and David, enjoying every minute of it. But eventually, it started to get dark outside, rain beginning to pour down as well. Noah couldn't help but sigh as he looked over and noticed the rain, wondering where he was going to go when the community center closed.

"You alright, Noah?" David asked, noticing his worried expression.

"Oh, um.... yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking." Noah vaguely replied. "It's raining pretty hard." he quietly pointed out, mostly to himself.

"Yeah, we should probably get home before it starts raining harder. This place is going to close soon too, I think." Lisa said.

"What time does it close?" Noah asked.

"They're closing at 9pm today. So, in like an hour." David answered. "It is probably best if we all head home now. It's getting pretty dark out." he added, standing up as Lisa did the same.

Noah tried his best to cover up how disappointed he was watching them get ready to leave. "Ok, I'll see you guys around." he said, faking a smile.

"Shouldn't you be going home too, Noah?" Lisa caringly wondered.

"I.... I guess so. I just...." he stammered, breaking eye contact with her as he racked his brain for a reply that sounded normal.

"Do you need a ride? It wouldn't feel right to let you walk in the rain." Lisa gently said, David nodding along in agreement. And in that moment, Noah wanted more than anything to accept their offer, but he shook his head instead.

"Um.... no, that's ok, you don't have to do that. But thanks anyway. I'll be fine." he forced himself to say.

"Are you sure? It's really not any trouble at all." David reassured.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm waiting for someone to come pick me up, they're just running a little behind schedule. They should be here soon." Noah fabricated, hoping that his lie sounded convincing enough.

"Well, alright. If you're sure." David said before turning to look at Lisa. "You ready to go, baby?" he asked her, already taking her hand in his. Lisa nodded in agreement before she and David walked off, heading to their car.

Once they were both in the car, David reached over and buckled Lisa's seatbelt for her, making her let out a small giggle. It was only once they were halfway into the drive home that they realized something....

"Oh my gosh.... where is it, where is it?" Lisa mumbled as she frantically searched through her purse.

"Where's what?"

"My phone. I can't find my phone. I thought it was in my pocket, but it wasn't. So I figured it would be in my purse but it's not there either." she explained, rambling.

"Just retrace your steps, babe. Where did you last have it?" David calmly spoke, completely contrasting how worked up his wife was. Usually she was the calm one in situations like this, but when it came to her phone, or anything else that she used for keeping herself organized or keeping up with important dates and times, the roles were reversed and suddenly David became the calm one while Lisa would pretty much freak out.

"Well, I distinctly remember using it to check the time when we were at the community center.... And we didn't go anywhere else after that, so it's probably still at the community center!" she reasoned.

"See? Now you know where it is, problem solved." David said with a smile. "We can go back and get it now." he added, turning the car around to go back to the community center.

When they arrived, David put the hood of his jacket over his head before getting out of the car, making sure to open the passenger side door for his wife as she stepped out of the car with her hood on as well. They both sighed in relief once they were inside, thankful to be safe from the pouring rain.

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