chapter 10

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Lisa, David, and Noah were up extremely early the next day, the sun barely even up yet. They were having a simple breakfast of just cereal, fruit, and yogurt, since David had to be at work early and the three of them wanted to eat together beforehand.

"Did you want some toast, Noah? We have strawberry jam if you wanna put that on it." Lisa offered, wanting to make sure that Noah got enough to eat.

"Sure. Thanks, Lisa." Noah said, Lisa promptly going to put two pieces of bread in the toaster for him.

"Oh, I almost forgot, something really good happened at work yesterday. I've been trying for this for at least a month now, and it finally happened." David told them, sitting back down at the table after getting up to get a second cup of yogurt.

"Ooh, what is it, David?" Lisa questioned as she and Noah looked at David expectantly as they waited to hear what he had to say.

"I got a promotion. I'm going to be the head manager of my department, and I'll get to have more of a say in how we do things, and in the overall scheduling, and I'll have a nicer office and higher pay." he announced, smiling widely as he felt proud.

Lisa's eyes widened as she lit up with happiness, wrapping her arms around David for a quick hug, temporarily forgetting about her food.

"Honey, that's so amazing! I'm so proud of you." she beamed.

"That's awesome, David! Congratulations." Noah chimed in, feeling genuinely happy for him.

"Thanks, you guys. I've wanted this promotion for so long." David said, his smile still present. "This means that I can provide for you two better, and that I can adjust my schedule so I'm able to spend more time with you guys. I mean, the training is probably going to be a little time consuming, but once that's over, this'll make things so much easier." he expressed. He had clearly implied that he was happy about spending more time with Lisa and Noah, and providing for them both, which made Noah feel special and included. It made him feel like he actually had a home here.

"Awww, babe.... I'm so happy for you." Lisa sweetly said to David before getting up to go get the bread out of the toaster for Noah.

"I was going to tell you guys about this last night but they said they had to send out some emails to finalize a few things first, and I wanted to make sure that it was actually happening before I talked about it. They called me earlier this morning to let me know that it's official and that my training starts tomorrow." David explained before finally taking another bite of his food. Noah and Lisa continued congratulating him on his achievement as they enjoyed their breakfast.

Once David headed out for work, Lisa and Noah relaxed on the couch as they watched Noah's choice of cartoon marathons on tv.

"So, what do you think about going to the mall later, Noah?" Lisa asked him during a commercial break.

"That sounds fun, I'll go with you. And I can carry the bags for you too, and I'll even tell you what I think of all the outfits you try on if you want. That's probably what David usually does, but I'll do it for you since he's at work." Noah rambled his reply, giving her a nice smile.

She giggled extra quietly at how sweet his offer was. "Thanks, Noah, but actually I wanted to buy some clothes for you." she told him.

"For me?" he asked in complete surprise.

"Yeah, I figured with Thanksgiving coming up so soon it would be nice for you to have some new clothes to wear." Lisa kindly explained. "And besides, you deserve to get new stuff to wear even if there wasn't a holiday coming up." she added as Noah didn't know what to say to that. He was still in awe of how naturally generous Lisa was being to him.

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