chapter 6

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The next day, Noah woke up to the warm sunlight filtering in through the window, it being one of the warmer days in November. He slowly sat up, looking around the room as he realized where he was. He was in David and Lisa's house, in the extra room that they had let him sleep in, and he was immensely thankful for that. For the first time in a long time he actually felt comfortable and had gotten a good night's sleep. Thinking about all of that brought a natural smile to his face.

After going into the bathroom and getting ready for the day, Noah realized that it was already 10:00am, internally freaking out a little since he hadn't planned to sleep that long. He had intended to get up much earlier so that he could leave sooner, not wanting to intrude on David and Lisa's day.

He cautiously made his way into the kitchen, only to be greeted with the smell of pancakes and seeing David helping Lisa with setting the table.

"Good morning, Noah. How'd you sleep? I hope the room was comfortable enough." Lisa greeted once she noticed him.

"Everything was perfect, and I slept great. Better than I have in a long time." he mumbled on the end. "Thank you again for letting me sleep here. I appreciate it a lot." he genuinely added.

"Oh, you're welcome. We're glad to help." Lisa kindly replied.

"You want some breakfast, Noah? Lisa made banana pancakes." David offered as Noah looked at him in confusion.

"But I figured you'd want me to leave by now." he honestly said.

"No, of course not. We don't mind you being here, and you haven't even had anything to eat yet." David reacted as Noah hesitantly took a seat at the table.

Lisa came over and set a plate of pancakes on the table in front of Noah along with a small bowl of fruit and a glass of water. "Let me know if you're still hungry after that, Noah, and I can get you another helping." Lisa sweetly spoke before she and David sat down as well.

"Thanks, Lisa. And I'm sorry for sleeping in so long. I meant to get up earlier, I didn't mean to interrupt you guy's time together or anything like that." Noah apologized.

"That's ok, you don't need to apologize for that. We got up about two hours ago, but we let you sleep in because we didn't want to disturb you. We figured you could use the rest after the long day you had yesterday." Lisa explained before pouring some syrup over David's pancakes as he grinned at her like a child. "We just relaxed and watched a little TV together for a while and then started on making breakfast." she added as Noah nodded in understanding before taking a bite of his food.

After breakfast, Noah insisted on helping with washing the dishes. He felt like it was the least he could do with how much they were helping him out.

"Shouldn't we be at the community center again today for volunteer work?" he curiously questioned as he dried the dishes.

"No, actually we have a day off today. We don't go back until tomorrow." David told him, standing next to him at the sink as he helped with the dishes as well. Lisa had already went into the living room, since David told her that she could go relax while he and Noah handled the dishes.

"Oh, ok. Well, that's good. What are you and Lisa gonna do today?" Noah asked a follow up question.

"Well, we should run some errands, finish some chores around the house, and probably go out and do something productive. But we're probably gonna end up spending hours just sitting around together." David chuckled a little.

"How long have you and Lisa been married? If it's ok for me to ask that." Noah decided to ask.

"Five years now." David replied with a huge smile as he instantly lit up. "We've been best friends since highschool, and marrying her is the best decision that I've made. She's amazing." he added, his smile still present.

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