chapter 8

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The next day, Noah and Lisa were seated on the couch in the living room while they waited for breakfast. David had insisted on making pancakes today, since he wanted to let Lisa take a break and cook for her this time.

Noah had easily found himself wrapped up in random conversation with Lisa as they waited, going from topic to topic as they each explained their opinions on things and talked about their interests and hobbies.

"So then they send me a new book every month based on my preferences of what I like to read. And you can go to the website and update your preferences any time you want. It's really neat." Lisa said, currently explaining to Noah how her 'Book of the month' club worked. She hadn't expected Noah to be interested in listening to her talk about that sort of thing, figuring he'd find it boring. But to her surprise, Noah was listening intently with a content smile, fully focused on her words.

"That's so cool. So, what was the main reason that you decided to get a membership with them? Was it all the cool features on the website, or like, the wide variety of books they have on there?" he asked.

"Actually it was the fact that the first month was free." Lisa commented with a small smirk as Noah let out a laugh

"That's a good reason" he commented, quietly chuckling as he spoke. He then paused for a moment, his expression turning serious before he sighed a little. "Lisa, I'm sorry again for storming out last night, and for the way that I acted." he started. Even though he had already explained things to her after talking with David last night, he still felt the need to apologize for it. "I should've let you and David explain before just assuming things, but I was just so convinced that you secretly wanted me to leave, and I just didn't wanna make you guys feel like you were obligated to let me stay.... It's just that, after being treated so badly by so many people it made me feel like.... I don't know, maybe I deserve that for some reason." Noah finished explaining, looking down at his hands. He felt like he was rambling, or talking too much, wondering if he even got his point across, but the understanding look on Lisa's face told him that he did.

"Noah.... of course you don't deserve that." she caringly told him. "Some people are just selfish and don't care how they treat other people or how they make them feel. And you don't need to apologize. You've been through a lot, and I understand, it's totally ok, Noah." she sweetly added as Noah gave her a thankful smile.

"Thanks, Lisa." he genuinely said.

Just at that moment, David had walked into the living room. "Breakfast is ready. Pancakes with fruit salad, and mixed vegetables with baked potatoes on the side. And there's also vanilla yogurt if anyone wants it." he announced.

"That sounds so good, thanks, David." Noah thanked him.

"No worries, kid. I was happy to cook for you and Lisa." he replied as Noah smiled before darting into the kitchen. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until just now.

Once they were all in the kitchen, the three of them sat down and ate as they occasionally talked about their plans for the day. When they were finished eating, they sat for a while before David took the initiative to gather the dishes, kindly taking Noah and Lisa's now empty plates as well.

"Thanks for cooking, babe. Everything tasted amazing." Lisa commented, looking at David with a loving expression.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." he replied, smiling at her before going to put the dishes into the sink.

"Yeah, this was great. Why don't you cook more often?" Noah asked David as he shrugged in response.

"I do sometimes, but it's more Lisa's thing. She's kinda better at it than me, honestly." he chuckled before beginning to wash the dishes.

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