chapter 20

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Ella was in the best mood the next day at the community center. She was beyond excited that Noah had agreed to sing with her at the fundraiser event, and her excitement definitely did not go unnoticed by Noah. He was loving seeing her so happy and he thought it was absolutely adorable. He felt even more amazing knowing that he was the reason for her bright smile.

Eventually, Ella spotted Valerie over by the snack tables, and she waisted no time in going to tell her about Noah's participation in the fundraiser performance.

"Look, there's Valerie. I can't wait to tell her the good news, she's gonna be so excited. Come on." Ella said, holding onto Noah's hand as she walked with him over to where Valerie was.

Noah, however, was more nervous out of his mind than excited as he followed Ella.

"Hi, Valerie. I have something exciting to tell you." Ella said once she and Noah had reached her.

"Oh, really? What is it?" Valerie wondered, giving the two teenagers her full attention as she turned to face them.

"I found someone to sing with me at the fundraiser." Ella piped up.

"Oh that's wonderful! Who?" Valerie asked.

"Noah." Ella revealed, looking over at Noah, smiling widely at him as he blushed deeply.

"Oh my goodness, that's great news! Noah, I didn't know you could sing. It'll be so great to have you perform at the fundraiser with Ella." Valerie said, directing her attention to Noah.

"Thanks. I don't usually sing in front of people or anything like that, but I just couldn't say no when Ella asked me." he shyly replied.

"Well, I'm happy you said yes too. Would you mind singing something for me right now just so I can get an idea of your vocal range? Maybe just a couple lines of 'Mistletoe'?" Valerie asked.

Noah's cheeks burned red. "I.... um, sure." he nervously agreed. He then awkwardly cleared his throat before beginning to sing, trying to mantain his confidence as he carried the notes. Once he was done, he looked up at Valerie, only to notice that she was looking at him like he had just ended world hunger.

"That was amazing! Noah, you're an exceptional singer." she exclaimed.

"Thanks...." Noah trailed off, smiling politely.

Valerie then handed him a pen and a sheet of paper, asking him to sign it, which would officially make him a performer for the holiday fundraiser.

"I can't wait to see you singing at the event, Noah. And your chemistry with Ella will be great to watch on stage." Valerie said, subtly smirking at Noah and Ella, making them both blush.

After that, Valerie showed them to the theater hall where they could practice for their duet. Ella and Noah were in there for a while, singing, practicing, and occasionally just goofing off with each other as they sang random songs from children's tv shows together. Eventually they just sat next to each other on the floor as they talked, enjoying each other's presence.

"So how long have you been singing?" Noah asked Ella.

"Since I was a little kid. Not professionally or anything, it was just for fun. I'd sing the theme songs to tv shows and watched YouTube videos on how to sing better, until I got pretty good at it and I've just loved it ever since." Ella explained.

"That's really cool." Noah commented, smiling as he seemed almost dazed. He wasn't sure what to say as he became distracted by her pretty voice.

"So, what about you, huh? 'Mr. I can't sing'." she teasingly asked him, making him blush a little as he chuckled quietly.

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