chapter 17

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Lisa was currently sitting on the couch, reading as she had the tv going as well for background noise. David was at work and she and Noah were the only ones home. Noah had went to take a shower a little while ago, just now coming back downstairs into the living room. He walked up to where she was sitting, looking almost nervously at her.

"Lisa? Can I ask you something?" he hesitantly questioned.

"Sure. What's up?" Lisa replied, turning off the TV and setting her book down.

"When you first started dating David what did he do to keep you interested? Like, what made you wanna keep going out with him? I mean, I know you already had feelings for him then, but what made you really wanna keep dating him?" Noah rambled his question, awkwardly avoiding eye contact. "I mean, if you don't mind me asking of course." he rapidly added.

Lisa smiled. She had a pretty good idea why he was asking her that question. "Well, I don't know if it was one specific thing that he did to make me wanna keep dating him, it was more so just the way he treated me. Every effort that he made to show me that he cared, and that I was a priority to him, it was the little things that he did, they all showed me what I meant to him and that he genuinely wanted to be with me and to be there for me, that's what made me want to keep dating him." she happily explained.

"What's your favorite thing about him?" Noah asked, finally looking directly at her.

Lisa patted the spot next to her on the couch, inviting Noah to sit next to her, watching as he did just that.

"Well, it'd be hard to pick just one thing. But one of my favorite things that I absolutely love about him is how safe he makes me feel. I think that's one of the best qualities a guy can have, the ability to make you feel protected." she responded.

Noah paused for a moment before finally speaking again. "Do you think that Ella feels safe around me?" he questioned.

Lisa's smile widened. "I think she's the only one that can really answer that. But I think the fact that she wants to be around you so much is a good sign that she does." she said.

"I hope so. I just really want her to like me, I mean, I know she already likes me but I want her to keep liking me, you know?" Noah tried to explain.

"I know. And she will. I'm sure she feels the same way about you." Lisa encouraged.

"Can I ask you another question?"

"Sure. Anything."

"What made you want to marry David? Did he do something specifically that made you want to be his wife?"  Noah asked her, staring at her expectantly.

"You're trying to get Ella to marry you?" Lisa teasingly questioned, raising an eyebrow at him, causing him to blush fiercely.

"W-what? No." he awkwardly stammered. "I mean.... well, not yet." he mumbled on the end.

"Ok.... well, to answer your question, I married him because he's the love of my life, he's perfect for me and always has been, I love him. And he's my best friend." Lisa said, watching as Noah's eyes lit up at the last part.

Meanwhile, Ella was at her house having a similar conversation with her mom.

"And I really, really like him. I feel so safe around him and I just hope he likes me as much as I like him. You know?" Ella vented to her mom, sighing dreamily as she thought about Noah.

"I know." her mom giggled. "I can tell he really likes you though. Even before you started going on dates, I could tell how he already felt about you." she added.

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