Chapter 11 - Time Elapses

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Chapter 11 - Time Elapses


Once a routine gets put into place, there’s not a single thing that can pull you out of it. A week could turn into two then three then you realize that times cornering a month of being in the same routine doing the same thing day in and day out, day after day. Marriage is the same it elapses times, a day goes by then a week then two and then your nearing a month. And in that time so much can change and a routine can be built.

Almost a month had passed in our marriage. We finally split up to head off to college, my parents or only my dad since I refused to talk to my mother, took me to Dartmouth for my first day. And Taylor’s parents took him to Nashua. In the weeks that had passed I ran into Kyle Cartwright a few times, but I always looked the other way and kept walking.

I hung out a lot with Carver and Matty, it was easy to get past all of the weirdness between the three of us after we all sat down and talked like adults. I made some girl friends but not ones that I wanted to spend my free time with. I made a lot of other friends too because of Matty, most being men.

“I have to go.” I said getting out of bed wrapping the grey silk sheet around my body. The guy pulled me back down to the bed softly letting my head fall back to the pillow.

“Stay, don’t go.” Penn, the guy, said. I had gone out with him a couple of times. I liked him enough last night to go back to his room with him. “I like having you here with me.” he cooed draping his leg over mine so I couldn’t get up.

“I have to.” I said. I pushed his leg off of me standing up with the sheet. I picked up my clothes and started to get dressed. I after I was fully clothed I gave back the sheet. “I had a great time.” I said closing the door softly.

I walked down the hall to the next room, Matty’s room. It was early in the morning so I knew he’d be getting up soon to go to his first class. I opened the door knowing it wasn’t locked, I pushed the shades open letting the rays of the morning sun hit him in the face. “How was Penn?” he asked sitting up. “I could hear you guys, I forgot what a screamer your are.”

“He’s like a girl with his emotional feelings. He’s too…sensitive.” I said laying down in the bed next to him, ignoring his last comment. Matty chuckled a little bit. “He kept asking if I was okay, if he was hurting me, if I was having fun. It was like being a virgin again.” I said a little weirded out.

“He is kinda girly, huh?” he laughed laying back his head back on his pillow. “I gotta get up. I have class in an hour.” he said looking over the clock sitting on the dresser in the farthest corner of the room. He got up and walked over to his closet grabbing a pair of jeans and t-shirt.

“Do you wanna get breakfast? We can wake up Carver, he’ll come too.” I said sitting up too. I watched him get dressed and waited for an answer.

“Yeah let’s go.” he said grabbing his bag off the chair. He waited for me to get out of the room before locking it. We walked down the down the hall and past a few more rooms to Carver’s. We didn’t knock, just threw the door open and walked into the room.

Matty pulled the cover’s off the bed to reveal Carver laying there in nothing, not a single piece of clothing covered his body. “Ah, man! Put some clothes on!” he yelled turning around to face away from the naked Carver. I stood there laughing at him, and all his glory.

Carver looked down at his body then quickly grabbed the pillow from behind his head and covered himself up. “What do you want?” he asked with his Irish accent thick.

“Breakfast. Get up, get dressed, he has class in an hour. And we’re hungry!” I said pulling clothes out of his closet and tossing it at him. He groaned a little but got dressed. We left the dorms a few minutes later get breakfast at the dinner on Main. The same one Matty and I went too before.

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