Chapter 14 - Christmas With the Underwoods

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Chapter 14 - Christmas with the Underwoods’


After Thanksgiving, the Friday after, we left for Hanover. It was more of Ian’s idea than mine, I think he can only take so much of his family especially his sisters. I came to be good friends with Spencer and Jordan. Lyla, not so much. You could tell she didn’t like me by the way she looked at me, talked to me, and thought of me. I never figured out why she didn’t like me but I didn’t really care. His father came to like me a lot, I proved my worthiness of Ian. He lets me call him Jackson now instead of Mr. Shepherd.

After delivering Taylor’s baby they were taken to the hospital. We’re going to see them before we leave for the airport. We walked into the hospital room quietly but it was already loud in there due to Taylor and Kate’s yelling. Taylor pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, I know that expression very well. He noticed us standing in the corner quietly, Ian had his arm snaked protectively around my waist.

“Hey guys.” Taylor sighed. I half smiled and Ian nodded his head as a gesture of hello. Kate looked over at me agitated but when she looked at Ian she smiled giddily like a little school girl looking at her crush. I dint like that look so much. “What’re you guys doing here?”

“We thought we’d stop by and see how everyone is doing before we go back to Hanover.” I replied looking around for the baby. My eyes landed on the little bundle laying in the glass basinet sleeping soundlessly. She looked so precious.

“Hey Kate, how are you feeling?” I asked stepping away from Ian to the baby. “Can I hold her?” I asked looking to Taylor for an answer. He politely nodded his head. I picked up the sleeping baby and walked over to Ian.

We both smiled down at her. “What’s her name?”

Taylor was the first to reply, he said they could not agree upon a name. he said Kate wanted to name her something weird and unique like Apple or Kate II, he wants something simple like Rican or Liv. “Tell them what you originally wanted to name her.” Kate piped up from the bed. Taylor shot her a look. You could tell that Kate really got on his nerves, he doesn’t have the patience for her. I don’t think that Taylor really loves her, I think he tells himself that because he thinks it the right thing to do. “Tell them how you wanted to originally name our child after your ex-wife, Meredith.”

I looked up to Kate from the baby, she had a menacing smile on her face as she stared at Ian like she knew him. Do they know each other? Taylor looked completely embarrassed and annoyed. “Would you be quiet now?” he asked her.

She shook her head at him. “I like the name Liv Rican, I think its pretty for a pretty girl like her.” I smiled at the little bundle. “Hi Liv.” I whispered at the baby calmly.

I looked over at Ian and gave him the lets go signal. “Meredith, I think we should go.” he said coming and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. He looked at the baby and smiled rubbing her cheek softly, Ian would make a great dad one day. I smiled at them and went to hand the baby to Taylor.

He held her quietly shushing her an rocking her in his arms. “I like the name Liv.” I whispered kissing his cheek softly.

Ian and I were saying our goodbyes when Kate piped up from the hospital bed. “Oh Ian could you tell Jackson and Kathleen I say hello. I’m sure they’d be glad to hear from me.” she said smiling wickedly. I looked over to Ian, he looked skeptical. I think he might have just realized who she is. “It’s been like sixteen years and I could barely remember you.”

“I looked at Taylor he looked just as confused as me. We both looked at them confused. “How do you two know each other?” Taylor asked.

“I uh…we uh…I don’t know.” he said looking at me. He rubbed the back of his neck. “How do I know you?” he asked looking over at Kate still confused.

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