After Abduction

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*this chapter is just the last chapter continued but lucy in the hospital.*

As Lucy was basically on top of Tim, Angela walked in. She quickly tried to get off him but noticed it was her.
"Don't worry lovebirds I'm here to thank you for my fresh $500!" she waved the money around.
"What do you mean 'thank us' Ange?" Tim questioned frowning.
"Ouh. Soo me and Nyla started a bet to see if you would get together then West, Nolan, Smitty and Grey joined in." she giggled proudly kissing the bills in her hand.
"Smitty?! Smitty had a bet on us?!" Lucy laughed almost annoyed but was really amused.
"Oh yeah even Smitty. Boy when he gave me the $100 you could see his face crumble to a frown. He was SOO pissed." Angela laughed mimicking his face.
"Okay now that's funny. But even Grey? How many people know?" Tim asked smiling, happy Lucy was happy.
"So about that, the whole station pretty much." she smiled weakly and slowly tiptoed backwards towards the door."
"Luce I'm sorry this is the last time you'll see me as a free man." he glared at Angela furious but really deep down amused. Lucy just laughed and snuggled closer into his chest.
"Well thank you again really gotta go!" Angela smiled and bolted out of the door.
"Sure scared the fuck out of her huh?" Lucy laughed staring after her.
"It was deserved." Tim looked down into her doe eyes "Glad to see you happy." he smiled and stroked her hair.
"Awh Timmy is a big ol' softieeee!" she giggled, she was still slightly high.
"Okay baby go to sleep please. We can talk when you're not so um," he waved his hands in the air. "High." he said.
"Awhhh you called me baby! And I am not high how mean!" she giggled. She couldn't stop giggling. He just sighed and kissed her forehead. He stroked his fingers through her hair. The giggling stopped. "Lucy?" he asked looking down at her face. She was in such a deep sleep. He kept her close to him and fell asleep his head on hers. She looked so cute in his chest cuddled into him.

She woke up and looked around. She started poking at his biceps giggling as they were so big. He stirred and she kept on poking.
"What is that... oh hey Luce." he said smiling.
"Tim you look so tired." she said stroking his chest gently.
"I just woke up love what do you expect." he yawned and stretched.
"Can you let me go?" he asked.
"Reason Mr Bradford?" she implored putting on a posh accent.
"To feed Mrs Brad- sorry Miss Chen." he giggled and looked down. She looked at him dumbfounded and astounded. "You have access to leave in just a minute sir." she shoved herself up at him and pressed her lips to his. The electricity that went through them was unreal. He found his forever. She found her forever. "You are free to leave sir." she rolled off him and pouted. "Don't worry Miss I will hurry back!" he says putting his t-shirt on.
"If that t-shirt isn't off when you get back punishments will come your way!" she yelled after him. He looked back. Rolled his eyes and smiled closing the door.

He came back a right hand filled with three bags, left hand filled with a brown bag and shirt.
"See you obeyed me." she stared at his muscles.
"Love how you focus on them and not the gifts i literally JUST PULLED OUT OF MY ASS." he laughed setting everything down.
"Oh yeah those. Thanks Timmy!" Lucy smiled at him.
"God are you still high?" he asked.
"No, no! I just like annoying you in the cutest way possible." she pulled him back down to the bed. "You got cute right." he said and booped her nose. That tickled a tiny, little bit. She booped him back. "Ok go on, eat up, open presents, we can call our friends over and hopefully can be discharged later today or tomorrow." he smiled at her.
"A whole day planned? Wow Timmy you're not doing bad at winning me over here. TO hard ass gone?" Lucy laughed and hugged him.
"I've been harder you cracked me. I thought I'd already won you over?" he questioned and pouted. It was fake of course.
"You're 72 percent there, give me my food it goes up to 81!" she bargained.
"Fair deal." he hands her the food and sits down.
"Is it..."she was quickly cut off by Tim.
"Veggie burger extra pickles?" he said and looked at her softly.
"You know me too well." she said and chomped on her burger. Lucy opens up her gifts from Tim and they were sweet and filled with love. They called over their friends and were showered with gifts. Nolan gave Lucy a massive, pink teddy bear. Tim quickly darted his eyes to Lucy who was already grinning. "Lucy don't you dare even think abo-" Tim said and was cut off by a squeal
"She's going in my bed!" she cheered and hugged her dearly to her chest.
"What about me?" Tim mopes.
"Couches exist for a reason Timmy you should use it!" Lucy chuckled. He scoffed and gave her the death stare. "Okay fine, you can be friends with the couch for a few days." she pouted.
"What I thought." he muttered smiling. Everyone filed out and Lucy got discharged at 17:30pm.

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