I'll Protect You

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As soon as the door shut behind Angela, Lucy started sobbing, shaking and hyperventilating.
"Baby I'm here. Whoever this accomplice is can't get you. They'll have to get through me first." he held the curled up Lucy in his arms and rocked her side to side like a little baby. She sobbed and sobbed and Tim just cradled her silently.

As she calmed down he ran his fingers through her toffee brown hair, "I'm here Luce. He won't be able to even breathe the same air as you."
"I will hold you to that Timothy. I trust you," she giggled wiping her tears away.

*two weeks later*

"Ready for work?" Tim shouted across the house tapping his foot on the floor.
Lucy scrambled out of his (their) bedroom tripping over her shoelaces, "Yup! I'll tie these darned shoelaces in the car."
"Okay, I'll set the alarm, it's weird to think we probably won't be riding together anymore." he pressed a few buttons, set the alarm, and followed Lucy out locking the door.
"A bit but at least we don't have to keep us a secret because we all know how much i love blabbering. Still. It would be a bit weird. Who do you think I'll get for a TO?" she wondered.
"Your babbling is cute and entertaining. I pray you get Angela because I do not want Harper's rookie who could be Grey's grandpa." he grumbled.
"Okay for your information he's 45! Not 90. Besides if you're the best TO you'll be able to train him won't you?" she stumped him, his face evidently displaying loss and anger.
"He looks 90." he muttered under his breath as he started the engine.
"Timothy Bradford!" she screamed, staring at him dumbfounded.
"I'm not lying!" he argued back. They continued bickering all the way towards the station about Nolan and his age.

"Boo! Hey lovebirds!" Angela jumped behind them and threw her arms over their shoulders.
"Holy fuck!" Lucy squealed jumping.
"Angela you bitch." Tim huffed nudging his best friend.
"Don't call me a bitch, bitch. Anyways, I think Lucy is going to be my rookie!" she smiled walking besides Lucy.
"Thank fuck I don't get the grandpa rookie." he sighed, genuinely relieved.
"Tim he's 45! I told you this in the car!" Lucy threw him a glare full of fight.
"He looks 90! That's what I said. Grey is about the same age and doesn't have as many wrinkles as old grandpa."
"Oh. My. Gosh. This is such a married couple fight this is adorable." Angela squealed.
"Im right, right?" They replied to Angela's remark assigning her the job of being an umpire.
"Now that I'm not getting involved in... but he is kind of old.."she whispered.
"Told you!" Tim yelled opening the entrance for the two ladies. Lucy huffed and they walked off to the locker rooms.

*roll call*

"Okay, settle down, settle down. Now we all know about Bradford and Chen's adorable relationship," he smiled "that lost me $100," he dropped the smile and groaned, Angela let out a small, little giggle, "So they can no longer ride together. That means Lopez and Bradford will be switching rookies. West your with Bradford, Chen with Lopez. Now we all know night shift is incompetent when it comes to handling calls so Bradford, Harper you will be dealing with them." he assigned everyone their assignments and dismissed them.

"Now I basically consider us friends so don't worry about all the 'boot' crap. We can gossip." Angela watched Lucy grab the war bags.
"Thank God, I was worried Tim's constant 'boot' calling I'd be triggered while shoe shopping."

*short chapter bc i have no motivation I'm sorry 😭*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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