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*just a short chapter when they get home from 2x11*

They couple arrive at Tim's house and threw down their bags.
"Thank you for letting me stay here Tim." she smiled briefly recalling the events that landed her in the hospital.
"Lucy who would I be if I didn't." he pulled her sleeve and into a hug. She winced from being touched. While she was in the hospital she wasn't thinking about what happened, she wasn't as in touch with reality. When they left she recalled EVERYTHING.
"Sorry Luce did I touch the?.." he was talking about her tattoo and tried to not make her uncomfortable.
"Yeah. It's fine I'll get it removed as soon as I can." Lucy lied. Quite blatantly but Tim was good at signals. He put her thumb on her cheek and lifted it up towards her.
"Lucy? Did something else happen?" he said eyes full of hope and comfort. Hope that she will recover and comfort to make her feel safe.
"No.." her voice trailed off.

Lucy was awoken briefly by her neck being savagely bitten at. Caleb was kissing her. On top of her on that table. He didn't reveal any of her parts to avoid attachment but he touched her. "No, no I can't... not... cheat... tim..." she thought and fell unconscious again.

Lucy's knees buckled below her and she fell to the floor eyes streaming with tears. Tim immediately dropped down and held her hands.
"What's wrong Luce I'm here. Tim is here. Not TO Bradford, not Caleb just me. Tim." he trembled because he knew her guts felt like vomiting. All her emotions were ready to flood out of her. A spark to a bomb was lit and she couldn't take it.
"Tim he touched me." she blurted out, a new tank of water was released from her eyes.
"Oh baby, come here lovely. He's gone. Dead. Deader than a door mouse." he gently wrapped her up in his arms. She kept into his arms and was carried to the couch. He sat Lucy on his lap and massaged her shoulders. She slipped down to his chest and listened for his heartbeat. Thump. Thump. She could hear it loud and clear and calmed down. He rubbed his fingers deeper into his shoulders.
"How about I brush your hair, you change into my clothes and we cuddle and watch something together. That good yeah?" he pulled a strand of hair out of her face and she saw a comforting, bright smile. Not one like Caleb's malicious, creepy smiles.
"Yes please, this is like a girls night!" she giggled and Tim scoffed smiling. They grabbed her hairbrush.

He soothingly brushed through her hair and attempted to braid it. "How the fuck do you do this?" he groaned watching a ClipTalk tutorial. She bursted out laughing.
"Okay Timothy. Grab three strands. Grab the right one and pull it to the middle. Then pull the left one to the middle. Then the right back to the middle then the left and you get it." she instructed. He fiddled around but ending up getting the hang of it.
"Braiding? Not a problem for Bradford!" he celebrated and showed Lucy his work.
"Oh my gosh you will so be a girl dad!" she chuckled. They finish off the night and go to sleep. Tim was big spoon and Lucy was little spoon.
"God I love being little spoon." she whispered half asleep.
"I love the role of big spoon." he giggled kissing her head as she fell asleep.

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