chapter seventh

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T/W: mention of physical abuse

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T/W: mention of physical abuse

Ashton's pov

"RYLEE YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME! YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!" I cried out as tears streamed down my face.

My conversation with Rylee wasn't getting anywhere. I came in here to try and find common ground after making sure she knew we were over, but the only thing she heard was that we were still together.

"Baby, please come home. It never meant anything. We stopped seeing each other a few days ago, this I swear!"

I choked and stared at her horrified at what I heard "A few...days... what"

"I didn't mean that babe. I mean after you left"

"How long... and don't fucking lie to me again." I could feel the anger rushing through my veins just waiting to explode.

Rylee looked down and didn't say anything as she shifted uncomfortably in the booth we were sat in.

"HOW LONG RYLEE!" I screamed out. I couldn't take it anymore, this was about me, not her.

"Since September..." She said in the smallest voice I've ever heard come from her.

"It's not September yet. What do you..." I looked at her again in disbelief as my mind flipped through the hundreds of pages that used to be our memories.

'September... they've been fucking for almost a year... How did I not see this...' I thought while the gears kept spinning.

I searching through the memories in my head for the possible signs of this 11 month affair that I apparently never saw.

I laughed with nothing but pain and suffering in my soul.

Rylee just sat there awkwardly staring down until she dared to look me in the face.

Before she could say anything, I spat out. "We. Are. Fucking. Done."

When I saw tears in her eyes, I actually cringed at how she was making this about her.

'I'm gonna be fucking sick' I thought as I jumped up and ran to the bathroom.

There's something funny that happens to you when you've been cheated on.

You immediately blame yourself.

It's like you think that by blaming yourself, it'll somehow make the situation better. When in reality, all that you're doing is creating unwanted and unnecessary trauma from yourself that'll take years to break apart.

I should know, I'm the one you schedule an appointment with to talk about it.

I hunched over the toilet letting out everything in me from breakfast and everything that Rylee said. I begged to whatever higher power goddess is up there. I begged that I would survive from the pain that was making my skin burn.

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