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"so if i said to you, let's go on vacation tomorrow, where would you pick?" i asked the natural beauty, sat facing me in the restaurant we found ourselves in to eat dinner for our weekly date.

well it hadn't been disclosed whether it was a romantic date or a friendly date but every friday it was routine. we each take turns to plan an evening out for the pair of us.

no kids, no friends, no outsiders. just the two of us.

i watched as she took a small sip of her glass of pinot noir, happy to drink with what i selected after she moaned that she wouldn't allow me to pay that price for a bottle of wine for us to share.

"hawaii." beyoncé replied with a soft smile on her face. "what about you?"

finishing my sip of wine, "probably the cayman islands." i answered her questions, running my thumb from my empty hand over her knuckles, obsessed with wanting skin to skin contact with my lover. "why hawaii my love?"

she shrugged her shoulders, "i've always wanted to go since i was a kid, daddy said he would take me for my sixteenth birthday but it came around and he said he couldn't afford it but i wasn't upset, i just told myself when i'm old enough and reach a financial stability i'll take myself there."

her positive outlook on life constantly inspired me. motivated me to remember that even though i was more fortunate than her regarding financial status, i shouldn't be the one to complain when she never does, always happy to just be existing.

"well looks like we are going to hawaii." i said with a big toothy grin in my face waiting to see her reaction.

nearly choking on her food, her eyes widened. "we are not going to hawaii tomorrow, i can't even pay to fix my car to get my child to school." she said chuckling, trying to make a joke out of a bad situation.

i grabbed hold of her hand, "not tomorrow, but one day. i'll make your dream come true. surprise you and your little loves to a vacation of your dreams, no debates. i want to."

a small pout appeared on her face, "why are you so good to me? nobody has ever entered my life and treated me this way from beginning to end." she asked softly, insecurities showing from her watering eyes.

i slowly stood up from my side of the booth to slide onto her side, wrapping an arm around her waist, getting her attention to look at me, "you deserve it, all of those people that have come in and out of your life and treated you any less, shame on them. i'm good to you and you're good to me. you're special. i've never met someone like you. never been intrigued by another human being the way i am with you."

big smile on her face, she turned her whole body to face mine, hooking her smooth bare legs over mine as my other hand laid on her bare thigh, a gold mini dress ending just above where my hand was placed, she wrapped an arm at the back of me, pulling me in closer.

my eyes flickered between her lips and eyes. action getting cut short as she closed the gap, placing a short sweet kiss on my lips. as she pulled away, i wasn't done, leaning back in to pecking her lips repeatedly leaving her to giggle against my lips, me following shortly after.

she leaned her head on my shoulder as our fingers intertwined with one and drinking our wine with our other.

"i would really like you to meet my kids. i don't introduce just anyone to my children but it would mean a lot if you did." she said softly, as she played with the rings on my fingers, a regular thing she did.

i smiled, a big smile that she couldn't see. "i would love to, i love children. hopefully one day i can have my own."

she lifted her head to look up at me, big grin on her face as i placed a soft kiss on her forehead before she placed her head back on my shoulder.

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now