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it was three days before my birthday. three days before i was set to meet my woman's mother. three days before she was set to meet my momma.

beyoncé had been constantly asking me what i wanted for my birthday, but to me, every time she asked i simply told her nothing. i was so grateful for everything i already had in life. i was in love, i had a roof over my head, i was healthy, i was surrounded by positive people, even if that only included my best friend, her now labeled boyfriend and my now labeled girlfriend.

every time she would ask me i would wrap my arms around her neck, peck her lips, show her the biggest smile and say i already have you angel, i don't need or want anything else.

she would pout and pout and pout even more until i gave her what she wanted. i folded. told her to get me whatever she wants to get me. but also told her to not go too overboard.

i was driving to the airport to pick up my momma. i was so excited to see her finally, it had been way too long. i was also super excited to see what gift she had for me. every year without fail my momma would give me the best gift out of everyone. tyla knew it too. every year she would try and top my momma, but failed.

as i pulled up to the pick up spot at the airport i seen my momma trailing with her suitcase, eyes scanning the area for my car. maybe i should have told her that i got a new car since she was last here.

i got out of the drivers seat, waving my hand. seeing the smile on her face, it made my heart so warm. she walked over with the suitcase, leaving it whilst opening her arms wide. we embraced each other in a tight hug.

"oh my baby, i missed you so much." she exclaimed, kissing my cheek.

"hi mommy, i missed you too. so much." i said with the biggest smile on my face.

i helped her put the suitcase into the car whilst she got into the passengers seat.

i closed the drivers door, "this might just be your nicest car nika. when did you get this?" she asked me, finger tips running along the car.

"a couple of months ago. me and tyla got matching but hers is a different colour. i was due a new one, it runs so smooth."

she nodded, the music playing softly in the background.

"so..." she started.

i rolled my eyes. immediately knew she wanted to talk about the inevitable. beyoncé.

"is everything okay between you and what's her name... bey..."

"beyoncé momma."

she chuckled, nodding her head, "ah yes, such a unique and beautiful name. how is she? is she nervous to meet me?"

i chuckled, "no momma, she isn't nervous to meet you, she's actually quite excited to meet you. can't wait to have a conversation with the person who raised me. wants to get to know you."

did i just see my momma blush?

this woman was a trick.

"aww she is such a cutie and i haven't even met her yet. well the feeling is mutual, i can't wait to meet her. she's making you so happy and i have to thank her for that. and i also have to meet those little children of hers. maybe a little more excited to meet them more than anyone else." she mumbled the end.

i rolled my eyes, "well they're all lovely mommy, especially the children. it might take a while for her son to open up to you but other than that the other two will have conversations with you. he just needs to take everyone in around him before he gets comfortable."

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