Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas Holiday with your families and friends.
I’ve got a few categories and books that I need to add into slots. So if you have entered books but haven’t seen your books announced yet, don’t worry. I’ll be working on filling slots shortly.
Because of this awards starting and happening so close to the holidays, I have extended the submissions to January 10th. I will announce judges on January 15th. I figured this would give everyone a chance to get settled and back into a routine after the holidays.
I have also decided that authors can add up to 4 books into the awards contest. However, each book you add needs to be in different categories. You can’t have 2 or more in the same category.
The Teen Fiction and young adult category only has 1 slot left. And short story has only 3 slots left. So if you have books in those categories, be quick about entering them. But also keep in mind that there are several other categories your book could enter.
Fill out your forms inline with the category of your choosing. If you don’t, your submission may get overlooked.
There are several slots available for the mini awards. So if you would like to take part in those, submit your books.
I’m also still in need of judges for the main awards. So if you would like to help me, please fill out the form in the judges’ form chapter. You can become a judge and participate, but you cannot evaluate a category in which your book is submitted.
I look forward to seeing all the books that you all have to offer.