Hello everyone! Down below are the entries for Paranormal/Shifter Romance. Judging will commence January 16th. Judges please refer to the Judges Criteria chapter to find the outline.
Do not read books until the full payment requirements have been met. If you have any questions, please reach out to me through PM.
Authors make sure to abide by your judges payment requirements. If these have not been met by the submission date for winners, which is February 15th; your book will be disqualified and taken out of the running. Your judge is taking time out of their busy lives to do this for you, so you must reciprocate. There will only be two judges at this time.
Winners will be announced February 20th, unless results are handed into me earlier. Then they may be announced at an earlier date.
Judge: gremlinsbookstash
Payment Requirements:
Permanent Follow.
Read 6-10 chapters of my book. Vote and comment on those chapters and give your opinion on what you thought.1. lunawrites- Howl's Parting
2. Esmeraldalovelace
Adopted By Wolves3. footnoteofhappiness The Cursed Gift
4. IfeoluwaDickson The Daughter of the Red Moon season three
Judge: ratihfarida20
Payment Requirements
Permanent Follow
Give a shout out to one of my English books on your announcement board and tag me.
Vote on all of the chapters of the book you choose.
Read and comment on 5 chapters of my English book. Be respectful; no hate comments please.1. EnigmaEpic Fates Converged: A Witch's Vow
2. LysaraEverhart Nocturna Haven
3. strawberry1d The Smirk of the Oracle