Hello everyone! The results for Taboo/Forbidden Romance are down below. Congratulate our winners. If you did not place in this category, feel free to reach out to me SapphirianJ82 for your scores and reviews. First place winner will get a shout-out on my announcements board. All winners will have a permanent place in my library.
We have our first place winner!
Crossing Lines by _Reenie read and judged by gremlinsbookstash please reach out to your host SapphirianJ82 to receive your winning sticker.
Overall Score 1-100 score (98 of 100)
Title and Book Cover 1-10 score (8 of 10)
I appreciate the title; it’s concise and memorable. Especially with the use of capitalized letters. However, I wasn’t particularly fond of the book cover. While the imagery was clear and appealing, I found that the additional elements were somewhat overwhelming.
Blurb 1-10 score (10 of 10)
The blurb is excellent. It strikes the right balance with just enough details to pique your interest without giving too much away. It leaves you wanting to read more, presenting the main character as flawless. The grammar and punctuation are impeccable.
Plot/Creativity/Originality 1-20 score (20 of 20)
The plot intrigued me, surprising me with the enjoyment of the genre I never expected to like. In the first few chapters I read, I found no plot holes, and the book brings with creativity. The author’s talent shines through.
Character Development 1-20 score (20 of 20)
The main character is depicted skillfully, enabling readers to easily discern her personality. Moreover, it is effortless for readers to step into her shoes. Every emotion the main character experiences feels authentic and tangible. For instance, you can sense second hand embarrassment or anxiety when she grapples with such feelings.
I appreciate that the character development diverges from the typical narrative. Rather than focusing on overcoming weaknesses. It delves into the process of discovering more details about oneself.
Story Flow 1-10 score (10 of 10)
The narrative flows seamlessly; you hardly notice when a chapter comes to an end.
Grammar 1-10 score (10 of 10)
There were no issues with grammar or punctuation.
Writing Style 1-10 score (10 of 10)
I appreciate the author’s choice of vocabulary, striking a balance between accessibility and sophisticated English. The paragraph lengths are just right, with a pleasant mix of descriptions and dialogue. Overall, it’s very reader-friendly for those who may not be native English speakers.
Overall Engagement 1-10 score (10 of 10)
I thoroughly enjoyed this book - it had me hooked, and I would have finished it in one sitting if not for work. The author’s provided playlist was perfect, adding another layer to the experience. Clearly, the author is immensely talented. I strongly encourage the author to keep writing.
Our second place winner is Rowdy by WakeWriteWrath read and judged by gremlinsbookstash. Reach out to me SapphirianJ82 for your winning sticker. ☺️