Hello everyone! Down below are the entries for Dark Romance. Judging will commence January 16th.
Authors make sure to abide by your judges payment requirements. If these have not been met by the submission date for winners, which is February 15th; your book will be disqualified and taken out of the running. I, your host SapphirianJ82 will be judging all nine books in this category.
Winners will be announced February 20th, unless I get them all read before then. But I have other categories I'm having to judge as well. So please be patient with me. If I get the scores done earlier then I will go ahead and announce the winners for this category.
Judge: SapphirianJ82
Payment Requirements:
Add my book Serendipitous Dreams to your public reading list. Read, vote and comment on 5 chapters of the book. If you have already done this prior do these actions for the next 3 chapters of the book please.1. TessaYoung5 Mosaicked Feelings
2. Y____P I Trusted You
3. NatashaIli His Little Spitfire
4. avniy1312 Mr. Weirdo
5. LRObooks Vengeful Redemption
6. Itim_na_pluma Revoked
7. sakkoya AUREUS
8. Scanking7 (A+) Checkmate
9. Anna-Jackal The Breeder