Hello everyone! Down below we have the winners of the SciFi/Fantasy/Mythical Creatures Romance Category. Congratulations to our winners.
Our first place winner will get a shout-out of their book on my announcements board! All winners will have a slot in my URA Fantasy Winner library!
Usually I would not do this but there is going to be a runner up for third place. Basically because the scores for 2nd - 3rd were all a point off from each other and in the mid to low 90’s. I will include the runner up in the winning chapter announcement. As well as keeping their book in my URA Winners library. And will also get them a sticker for runner up.
The rest of the contestants weren't far behind also with high scores in the high 80’s. So if you competed but did not place, but would like your results. Please reach out to me SapphirianJ82. And I'll share your results with you.
We had two judges for this category and they chose different scoring and review methods. So one judge is going to be in bold.
For our First 🥇 place winner we have!
New World Magic by HammerHandedHeart
Read and Judged by footnoteofhappinessPlease reach out to me via PM with your email so I can send your winning sticker for download.
Title and Book Cover: 10/10
Blurb: 10/10
Plot/Creativity/Originality: 20/20
Character Development: 19/20
Story Flow: 10/10
Grammar: 9/10
Writing Style: 10/10
Overall Engagement and Enjoyment: 10/10
Overall Score: 98/100
Review: I must say, I did not expect to enjoy the story so much. From your eye-catching book cover to your brilliant storytelling. I absolutely adored your world building and the weaving of all of your individual characters. I love how every one of them had a specific part to play and neither felt like much of a filler character to me. I did not expect Kyro’s origin story by the blurb but I feel like that only makes it more interesting. As if both Isla and Kyro were originally discarded by their royal families and yet are the keys to the story and their kingdoms now.
For Second 🥈 Place we have!
Only Fire by FantasticalChaos
Read and judged by Saphire_SkyesPlease reach out to me SapphirianJ82 via PM with your email so I can send your winning sticker for download.
Title and Book Cover(9/10): The title is short and catchy. It implies a story centred around a character or event deeply connected to fire, and with the mention of the phoenix, it immediately makes sense. However, the book hover could do so much better; hence, I took off one mark.
Blurb(10/10);The blurb is engaging and intriguing, creating a sense of mystery and conflict. It effectively introduces the protagonist, Ember, and hints at the supernatural elements in the story involving phoenixes and vampires. The contrast between fire and ice adds an interesting dynamic to the story.