Hello everyone! This is going to be short and sweet. And I'll be posting this announcement on the URA mini awards as well.
My weekend is going to be beyond hectic 😳🤯 Mind-blowing to be exact. I've got two teenagers that have several events going on. And I'm going to be going here there and everywhere. Not to mention a seven year old I've got to pacify as well, so she doesn't go absolutely nuts with boredom. Then church on Sunday, which takes a good portion of the day. And by the time I get home I'm completely depleted of all energy. This weekend is going to be nuts.
At this juncture in time. I'm stepping off Wattpad until Monday. I've got to get my kids things together for their events. And the running around starts tonight.
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not going to be around this weekend. So if you PM me and I don't get back to you right away, please don't get upset. I can't help it. My family must come first above all things.
I've given an extention for Rising-Queen to complete judging for her categories that she is judging. Please forgive me but I'm thinking Enemies to Lovers and Sports Romance. So I will not be posting the results until the 20th. Which was when I was technically going to be posting winners anyhow. So it all works out.
I will not be posting winners, or doing anything other than reading the Mafia books I'm now judging currently. Until Monday. I'm unsure if I'm even going to have time to do any reading this weekend.
As far as the mini awards. I'll work on plugging in participants and judges Monday.
Judges. If you are needing an extension as far as judging reach out to me. I know several of you have exams going on right now.
Please have patience with me. I've got a busy home life. But everything will work out and get done accordingly.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 🥰