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(This chapter is a part 2 of truth or dare)

*3 am James's room*
I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door before just walking in there."WTF!!"I hear a voice say. It sounds kind of familair. I realise that the people who walked in are my brother Sirius and his boyfriend Remus. "JAMES YOU BROTHERFUCKER!" I hear Sirius yell before James started running out of the room with Sirius running after him. "Really of all the boys you could have chosen you chose James." I hear the other boy say. "I mean I kinda get it he is hot as fuck, but really your brothers best friend?" He continues. "I need to get to the slytherin dorms before Sirius gets back." I say while walking out the door.

*the next morning*
I walk over to the slytherin table. After last night it will be better if I'll be at the Syltherins. I sit down and I can already feel Barty staring at me. "Why was Sirius running after James this morning?" I can hear the confusion in his voice. "Well, he kind of caught me and James cuddling in James's bed last night." I awser him. "That would explain.... Wait why were you in his bed? I thought you were studying." With that question I decide to go to my lessons early today. I stand up and walk out of the great hall.

*In the hallway/classroom*
I'm on my way to class when I bump into James. "Where were you? I didn't see you at breakfast." He asked me while looking around. "I thought it would be better to have breakfast with the Slytherins." I answer him. We arrive at the door. "Smart move Sirius tried to kill me twice already." He said as we sit down at the table.

*15 minutes into the lesson*
"Professor, can i go to the hospital wing? I don't feel well." I ask. I get more and more nauseous by the second. " Yes, you can mister Black. Mister Potter, will you walk with him please?" He nods and we get up. "What's wrong ?" he asks as soon as we're out of the class.

"I'm really dizzy and nauseous." as soon as those words leave my mouth he picks me up and starts carrying me. "Whoa, James what are you doing ?" "You said you're dizzy and I don't want you to bump into things. By the way its also a lot faster." We arrive a few minutes later. We walk in and we hear someone say "Mister Potter what is wrong?" '' its Regulus, he isn't feeling well'' ''Oh dear, lets do some test.'' James slowly droppes me onto a bed. "What's going on with you today ?" She asks me. "Well, I'm very dizzy and nauseous and I'm a little bloated." I answer her while James comes next to the bed " How long have you been feeling like this?" "About 5 weeks." I say while nodding slowly. James looks shocked.

We take more test. Some time goes by and then she asks "Mister Potter will you leave us alone for a minute ?" James starts to make his way out. "He can stay" I say while nodding so James knows its okay. "Are you sure Mister Black its really private?" "Yes im sure whatever it is he'll understand." I say. James nods. "Mister Black you're pregnant." The room becomes quiet."h-how long ?" I ask with a trembling voice. "I cant say for sure but somewhere around 10 to 15 weeks."

"YOU'RE WHAT NOW" Sirius yells form the other side of the hospital wing. " I'll leave you guys alone for a minute." Misses Pomfrey says. "JAMES YOU BROTHERFUCKER.HE'S JUST A BABY. HOW COULD YOU?" Sirius continues. "Sirius they're both adults. And babies don't have babies." Remus says to hopefully calm him down a little. "Congrats Reggie." He turns to the boy. "Im sure you'll be a great dad." Peter adds while pushing the curtain out of the way. "Who else is there?" I ask while it becomes crowded around my bed. "Everyone leave." I hear someone say. I'm not sure who because there still behind the curtain.

When everyone except James left I see who it is. It's Barty. ofc it's Barty who else would it be. ''So... How long has this nothing been going on?'' He asks while pointing to the positive pregnancy test. James Awnsers ''10-15 weeks'' there l am with James and a baby I didn't want but l would love until I die. I'm so happy. Happier than i ever thought a human could be.

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