My star pt 2

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Tw: Scars & smut

*Regulus's POV*

James and I walk into the great hall. Sirius gives James the death stare. So, we split up before we get killed. ''Bye'' I give him a quick peck on the lips and walk to the Slytherin table. I sit down and Barty gives me a grin like he wants more information. ''So..... what the hell is going on?'' ''What do you mean?'' I try to act so oblivious as possible. ''Eh, eh don't try that oblivious bullshit on me.'' He is annoyed really fast today. Normally he can take much more. ''So, what's up your ass this morning?'' He looks so annoyed. Evan walks to us. ''Hmm, never mind.'' I say when he sits down with us. Pandora almost chokes on her pumpkin juice. After Dumbledore did his traditional after vacation speech, we were free to go. One more day without lessons.

*Meanwhile at the Gryffindor table*

''JAMES, YOU FILTHY ANIMAL. YOU FUCKING MY BROTHER. YOU BROTHERFUCKER.'' Sirius says when I came up to the table. ''Good morning to you too. And what the actual fuck are you talking about.'' I was prepared to be yelled at but I didn't expect this. ''KISSING AND FUCKING MY BROTHER BEHIND MY BACK OF COURSE!'' ''Oh... Yeah, I did do that.'' My face drops as I realize that Sirius took that way to serious. ''Hey, hey he didn't mean that.'' The calm voice of Remus joins us. ''And I'm sure whatever James did he's sorry for it.'' ''Just look at his face Rem, that isn't the face of an innocent men.'' ''Pads I really think your overthinking this.'' ''I don't think I am. He had his tongue down my brother's throat.'' ''Baby, calm down. It's really not that deep.'' ''Well......'' I say and I instantly regret it. ''You might want to run for that one, James.''

I run out of the great hall as fast as I can. Into the dorms with Sirius chasing me like a wild dog. I mean well he kind of is a wild dog. Not the right thoughts right now. When I'm in the dorm I lock the door as fast as I can. And place a dresser against the door just to be safe. I hope that he gets tired after a few hours so that I can leave. I didn't plan on staying in my room the whole day. I started unpacking my suitcase. Thats when you know you get bored. When you do a task that you've been looking down on doing the whole day. After half an hour I hear a knock on the door. ''Mister Potter open the door now.'' It's Minie. I move the dresser out of the way. I open the door and see an extremely disappointed Minnie. We have seen a disappointed Minnie before but that was nothing like this. ''I expect to see you in my office in 10 minutes.''

I walk into Minnie's office. Remus and Sirius are already there. ''I expected you to do something but this isn't it. Mister Lupin, can you please explain what happened.'' She already looks so tired. ''Well, James did something and Sirius wasn't happy about and he started jelling at James for that. James jelled back. It only escalated form that point on. James said something at made Sirius angry enough that he stared chasing him.'' ''Okay thank you, Mister Lupin. You can go now.'' ''If you don't mind, I would like to stay.'' She gave him a little knot of understanding. ''Okay, Sirius can you please tell me what happened?'' ''James fucked my baby brother and is not even sorry for it.'' ''Ehm, okay and what did you do.'' She facepalms and leaves her head in her hands. ''I yelled at him for fucking my baby brother.'' ''Okay. I suppose you can leave now.'' He turns around and sweeps his foot into the back of my knee. ''Detention, Mister Black.'' He walks away mumbling.

''Mister Potter?'' She asks somewhat disappointed. ''I sat on the train with Regulus. And we kissed. And we walked away holding hands and I think Sirius saw that. And when I walked to the table. I was getting yelled at. I might have said some things that I shouldn't have.'' ''Okay, detention for you to Mister Potter.'' ''Seriously Minnie?'' ''Yes. I look forward of seeing you there. Oh, and you still have to do you detention for filling the Slytherin common room with ducks.'' ''Ah. FUCK'' ''You want me to add another hour?'' ''No minnie.'' ''And I'm owling your parents.''

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