(Baby) fever

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*Reg's POV*

I smile at the sight of the little baby peacefully asleep in my arms. Luna Pandora Evans, his and James's goddaughter. The little bundle of joy looks exactly like Pandora but she has Lily's eyes. Even though I've never seen Pandora as a baby I'm sure she looked the same as her daughter. The dark skin and nearly white hair matching Pandora's perfectly.

''In love?'' Pandora grins. ''No... It's just...she looks so much like you two. She's like a copy of you but with-'' I blush a little. ''Her mother's eyes.'' She finishes. ''Yes.'' Luna opens her eyes, showing the world her beautiful emerald eyes.

Lily walks out of the kitchen with a tray with tea and cookies. She sits down beside her wife. Laying her head on her shoulder. ''You can take her any time.'' Lily yawns. She rests her head on her wife's shoulder. ''You think you'll give her a friend soon?'' Panda asks grinning. I look at James. ''Maybe, but there's no rush.'' James says. ''We'll give her, her time to shine. Don't want to take that away from her.'' James chuckles. He strokes his finger over her cheek. ''Come here little one.'' James takes her off my chest.

He buries the little bundle of joy deep in his chest. Stroking her beautiful white, curly hair. She quickly falls asleep again. ''She likes you.'' Panda states. I tilt my head at her in surprise. ''When Barty and Evan came to visit, she wouldn't stop crying. She would throw a fit every time one of them came close.'' We chuckle, accidently waking the baby. James starts stoking her hair and she quickly falls asleep again. ''You're really good with kids.'' Panda says at the sight of her baby asleep on James's chest. ''Take her.'' Lilly mumbles tiredly.

James with babies does things to me that I can't describe. It feels like I'm in love again. I know I love James but I've never seen this side of him and I love it. ''You feel okay?'' Panda asks when she noticed I haven't taken my tear filled eyes of the two in a few minutes. ''Yeah, I feel fine. A bit nauseous, but I'm okay. Why though?'' ''You haven't taken been able to take your teary eyes of them in a hot minute. I know what you have.'' She dramatically tells me. ''You my friend have baby fever.'' She tells me. ''I do not.'' James's hand goes to my forehead. ''You do feel a bit warm though.'' He adds. No one has the courage to tell him that baby fever doesn't have anything to do with being ill.

''Hey, I'm a mother now I can recognize baby fever when I see it.'' Panda gives me a little shove. Maybe she's right. Maybe I do want a child. James with a kid is a view that I can get used to. ''I do want a child but I also don't. It's just.... complicated.'' I mumble struggling to find the words. ''Because of..?'' Pandora tries. ''Yeah, because of my parents. I don't want to hurt my child the way they hurt me.'' I explain. ''You won't.'' James interrupts. ''Like you could hurt something as cute as this little one.'' James waves at me with Luna's little hand. True, I can't turn out like my parents because I could never hurt someone so small and innocent.

''But we need to get going.'' James stands up. He gives little Luna back to her mother. ''Awh, really?'' She hesitates to take her daughter back. ''She looked so comfortable.'' Lilly adds. I nod at her. ''Well... see you guys at the barbeque next month.'' Lilly says while taking the baby form her wife. Panda shows us out and gives us a hug. 15 minutes later we arrive home.

''I'll get started on dinner.'' James says while walking to the kitchen. ''I'll be right there.'' I say. Instead of walking to the kitchen I walk to the bathroom. I reach for the pregnancy test I keep underneath the sink for emergencies. I've read an article about pregnancy symptoms when Lily told us she was pregnant, and I check a couple of boxes. I have been feeling horrible for weeks but I didn't really think anything of it until now. I do the test and leave it upside down on the counter. I sit on the ground to wait. It's only four minutes but it feels to take forever.

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