Chapter 5

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"Hurry up Carlos, I have to get ready still and we are leaving at 8" I rush Carlos as he slowly packs up his stuff

"It's 6 Milan, take a breath" he laughs

"Whatever just hurry up I want to shower." I say and he grabs his phone off the desk

"Let's go" he says as I nod

We walk out to my car and begin driving back to his house so I can drop him off "okay remember, you guys have to be at our house at 7:50 and we are leaving at 8 on the dot so be here" Carlos says as I nod

"Okay we'll be here" I smile.He closes the door and I drive back to my apartment as fast as I could within the laws

"Hey nae, I'm going to get in the shower. They guys said we have to be at their house at 7:50 and your driving us, thanks be out in 30" I say all in a flash as I bolt through the door of my apartment

I throw my stuff on my bed as I get in my room closing the door behind me and immediately going to the bathroom.

After the whole process of my shower I got out with 30 minutes to do my hair and makeup and change.

First I tackled the dress, but I realized I needed help tying in because it ties around my neck leaving my back exposed

"Renee, I need help. Are you don't getting ready?" I call into the hall

"Yeah I'm coming now" she says and I walk back to my vanity

"Can you also do my hair, I just want to do a slick back ponytail." I ask

"Let me tie your dress and I'll do it after, and let me say the dress is gorgeous" she says as I smile

"I appreciate it man" I laugh and start my makeup as she starts my hair


"Enough,I thought you were joking when you said she was coming with us." Carlos groans to Alex as I'm standing with the two of them in the kitchen

"Why would I be joking?" Alex says as I laugh

"Olivia! You look so good" I exclaim walking over to her as she was standing in the foyer

"Your one to talk, that dress is breathtaking on you" she smiles giving me a hug

"Hey guys we should go now, I think everyone is here" camilo says walking out of the living room with the rest of our friends coming after him

"What about Nico?" Robert asks

"He's outside already, he's been outside for freakin ever. But do three in each car. Except one car will only have two." Camilo says

"I'll take Robbie, I have to talk to him anyway" I smile

"Alright then, remember whoever gets there first, wait for another group of three to get there or we aren't getting in." Robert says sternly as everyone nods and begins leaving

"Hang back Milan, we'll go last." He says as I nod and wait with him in the foyer
Once everyone finally leaves the house and begins driving off we exit the house and he locks the door putting the key in his pocket when he's done.

"So Sunday, are you going to make a move or just be an idiot" I ask as we get in my car

"I mean I don't want to just be an idiot but I also don't know what to do. Or even say" he begins as I start driving

"Sounds like excuses, just be normal.  And like ask her to dinner. It's not that hard" I begin

"Mila you don't date, no offense but you wouldn't know" he says

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