Chapter 23

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My eyes flickered open and as I adjust to the light I see pedri staring into my soul.

"Are you a stalker?" I laugh and I roll over back onto my back

"No no I'm not." He says

"What the hell happened to me, I'm a softie now." I sigh and he pulls me by my waist back on top of  him

"See that's my effect, I take the cold hearted ones and make them feel things." He says and I laugh

"Oh no I still hate you." I smiles and he plants a soft kiss on my lips

"This isn't making it better, I still do not like you." I scoff

"Well why not." He asks

"Because, you are the worst." I say and he rolls his eyes then flips us over so he is on top of me

"Any plans for today Milan?" He asks

"Nope, I was going to workout with Mara however, she too ended up with a guy so I doubt it." I say

"Oh so I'm just some guy?" He says pretending to be hurt

"Well until you ask me out, you're still a secret." I say

"Can we go back to your first plan, the no work one?" He asks and I laugh

This time I kiss him and it lasts for a few seconds before he stops

"I have a match tomorrow, would you like to come?" He asks

"Can o bring a friend." I ask and he nods


"So you are dating him?"Renee asks and I shake my head

"Are you even listening to me?" I ask

"You're just confusing." She shrugs

"I'm confused, he said we are on the path. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, nor has he even asked me on a date." I say and she nods

"So what is that, non exclusive?" She asks

"I don't even know."I sigh

"Oh I have to go talk to Ale real quick, are you coming?" She asks standing up

"I guess." I whine as I stand up and follow her down to where Alejandro was meeting her

"Hey guys" he says as he comes up to us

"What's up ale" I ask

"Nothing much, oh but before I forget. Pedri wanted me to tell you to come to the tunnel after, but be discreet." He says as I roll my eyes

"That's all?" I ask and he nods

"Then I'll return to my seat, good luck. Don't suck." I joke and he laughs

"Bye Milan." He says as I go back to my seat and sit down on my phone

I texted my brother while I waited because he was asking if I had talked to Levi recently, to which I didn't. But he had definitely been texting. It wasn't a big deal to me because I was just so over it at this point, and obviously now I was with pedri- sort of.

"What are you guys doing later?" I ask renee as she sits back down

"Uh hes taking me to dinner, then I think I'll just go to his house." She shrugs

"Ew." I mutter

"Oh shut up, what were you and pedri doing all day yesterday?" She laughs and I shake my head

"Well we are taking this slow, so we didn't have sex. We watched- no he watched old match film and I listen to him rage about times he made mistakes." I mumble and she nods

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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