Chapter 11

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"Okay I'm going to go but happy birthday, I'll see you tonight at 7?" Renee asks after cracking my door open

"Yeah, love you" I say as she closes my door and I lay my head back down

I had the whole day completely to myself and I had no clue what to even do. Now obviously I was going to sleep, and I was going to sleep really good, but I knew that it just wasn't possible to sleep for that long and if it was, it was just completely unnecessary.

After about 20 minutes of thinking I had a pretty good grasp on my plan for the day, I would go back to sleep until around noon then at 12 i would order myself something to eat and then I would just watch the office or something of the sort until 7

And that was the plan that stuck until around 10, I was up because there was a knock at the door and it agitated me

I got up a grabbed a sweatshirt from off my chair on the way out the door.

I quickly got to the front door and swung it open and saw Gavi, Pedri, and Ale all at my door.

On instinct I immediately slammed the door back shut and began walking back to my room when I realized that i actually just did that and it was so rude. So I quickly went back to the door and opened it

"Hey guys" I say

"I would say happy birthday but you were very disrespectful just now" Ale says as I shake my head pulling him into a hug

"Sorry guys I was honestly thinking I was dreaming" I say as I let them in to my apartment

"Happy birthday Mila" Ale says and hands me a bag

"Seriously? I actually told you not to get me anything." I says as he rolls his eyes

"Just open it" he say

I do as he says and reach into the bag pulling out a little box no bigger than the size of a doorknob. I set the bag down and proceeded to open the box carefully, I open it and reveal a necklace the shape of a heart. The front had little diamonds on it and the back had princesa engraved into it.

"Who is this from?" I ask

"Marco, he gave it to me to give to you because apparently he won't see you until next week" ale says as I nod

"Yeah your actual gift from Ale and I is still in the bag so grab it out" Gavi says as I nod picking the bag back up

I pull out a Barcelona Jersey and on the back, instead of it saying just a last name it says the better side of Spain and where it should be a regular number it is #1.

"Wow! This this really... somethin" I chuckle and set the bag back down

Are we right or are we right" Gavi asks as i roll my eyes

"Your wrong. But hey it's okay to dream" I grin as all three of the guys standing in my living room scoff

"But seriously it's very funny, and really nice so thank you" I say giving both Ale and Gavi a hug

Pedri stands there kind of awkwardly because it was an odd situation. Only Ale and Renee knew about pedri and I, well obviously now Robert knew but that was it. Gavi didn't know so Ale gave me a funny look when I didn't hug pedri.

"Gavi can you come back with me to the car, I forgot the balloons" Alejandro says pulling Gavi's arm

"I guess, we'll be right back guys" Gavi says to Ledri and i and exit the apartment

The door closes completely and Pedri and I are in an awkward silence

"How has you uninterrupted day of sleep been?" He asks as I chuckle and pick the bag up off the floor and bring it to the kitchen counter and he follows me over

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