Chapter 21

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I was nervous as hell to say the least. Currently i what's just arrived at the shop and I already ordered my coffee so I was just waiting on pedri at this point.

I was nervous only because he knew now that I had feeling for him and that made me vulnerable which was something I didn't enjoy.

As my brain was racing like absolutely nothing before I heard him call my name.

"Hey." I say turning around

"Let's go outside, yeah?" He asks and I nod and follow him out to the tables and we sit down

The first few moments are painfully awkward, one of us waiting for the other to start when he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry about all the stuff I said, I really never meant it i was just angry." He says

"I'm sorry for lying, I just really need you to understand that I don't do this type of stuff for a reason. I don't do well with vulnerability and stuff like that because of the past, and I haven't learned how to trust people again." I explain and he nods

"Yeah and I shouldn't have said what I said, it was really messed up and I was just mad. I really didn't mean any of it." He says

"Well thank you." I say quietly

"What do we do now?" He asks

"What do you mean?" I ask back

"Well you told me you had feelings for me..." he trails off and I nod

"Yeah I guess I did say that." I mumble

"Well if it helps the situation, I might have feelings for you too." He mumbles

"I mean regardless of the situation or I guess more the words that were said. It's the actions that hurt the most." I say

"Emory?" He says

"Emory" I repeat

"Look I know I shouldn't have called her, I just wanted a distraction I guess. I don't really know, I was jealous. I went to your place and Renee was there and she checked your location and saw you were out with another guy and I was hurt." He says

"You know you shouldn't have called her but you did. It's stuff like that, I know I shouldn't have lied but I did and here we are. And as for the last part It wasn't another guy, it was Camilo. Who was the first person I met when I moved here so when I need to talk to someone I know I can talk to him." I explain

"Well then it brings me back to my initial question, what do we do?" He asks

"What if we just be friends for now, just friends and if we continue to have these feelings then maybe we can be more. But we obviously need to learn to trust eachother so for now friends." I say and he nods

"That works." He says and I nod

"If that's it, and we agree. I should probably go home and shower before lunch. But I'll see you around pedri." I say standing up and he does the same

"Bye Milan." He says softly and we part ways

To describe myself and the state I was currently in right now you would only need one word. Hammered.

I was drunk, and I have a good tolerance for alcohol so when I'm drunk, it's not great. And to make it worse this club was new and I had no clue where anything or anyone was.

"Milan?" A voice calls as I'm dancing

I spin around and see none other than Pablo Gavi on a Friday night, in the club. Definitely an uncommon occurrence.

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