Chapter 19

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"I feel like this is my fault." Renee sighs sitting on my bed next to me as I remain under the covers

"It's not, you didn't know and I shouldn't have lied to him. It's completely my fault." I say quietly

"I don't even know what to do, like do I text him or is that to much?" I ask as she shrugs

"Maybe not yet, he probably just needs some time." She says and there is a knock at the apartment door

"That's probably liv." She says and I nod

"I'll go get the door and be right back." She say's standing up and walking out

I pick up my phone from beside me and go to my messages with pedri, there was still nothing even though I desperately wished for just one message.

"Hey, look who I got on the phone!" Liv exclaims as she walks in and I see Mariana and Adriana on the phone

"Awww I miss you both, this just made my day." I say sitting up as Olivia passes me the phone and sits down with Renee

"So why are you so gloomy?" Mariana asks as I look to renne and she slowly shakes her head

"Boy drama, with my ex." I laugh and the two girls gasp as I roll my eyes

"You dated someone?! How did I not know this?" Adriana asks me as I laugh

"It was a while ago; and I wouldn't be mysterious if I told you, would I?" I ask her as she smiles

"Well tell us what happened, we are on break so you have 20 minutes" Mariana says as I nod


"Yeah sorry, I totally forgot that like pedri was a secret so my fault." She says and I laugh

"Don't worry, Adriana knows. I have to text her and tell her what actually happened though before Friday when me and liv go visit them." I explain and she nods

We were out now engaging in retail therapy, because all of the other attempts to make me feel better did not work. This honestly felt worse than rejection, it felt like heartbreak and I couldn't wrap my head around why.

Why he would be with Emory again after saying all the stuff he said about her.

Why he wouldn't just let me try to explain, because it's not like when he did the same thing I didn't give him time to explain.

But slowly I was starting to feel better, it was the Renee effect. If I was around her for long enough, just the two of us I would feel so much better.

"Hey Robert just texted, do you want to go by the pool this weekend? The hot tub is open if you want." I ask Renee as she nods

"Are you going to go in?" She asks and I shake my head

"Don't think so." I answer

"Then I'll sit out with you, more bonding time" she laughs throwing her arm around me

"I love you" I say softly and she smiles

"I love you more Mila, don't get upset over the actions of a stupid guy, you could do better anyway." She reassures me as I nod

"I really hope." I smile


He really got all mad over that?

I know
Like obviously I feel terrible

But like stil
So cunty

That's what I'm saying
But I'm with my friends at their house so I'll text him when I get home I guess
Is that a good idea

Just let him know how you actually feel

My perfect secret- Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now