Evade fighting stages

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Today it's January the 1st, new year is now 2024. Everyone is outside waiting until is a new day.
"Hey Ava!"
Turkey ran up to Ava,
"I found a cool new place and new people!"
"Ooo, what is it?"
"Phighting and get a snack at 4 am!"
"...why do I feel like we have to do something with these one day?"
"I think you're just going crazy."
Jard jumps in the conversation.
"...I'm just gonna go..."

Turkey leaves Ava and jard alone to do their daily thing, argue over the dumbest things ever.
Meanwhile with bobo their hanging out with baller, and crusher being silly and usual.

"So you throw balls? :0"
"Yep! "
"What does crusher do? :3"
"Smash people-
"What? I was gonna say smash people with your hammer!"
"Oh, my bad.."
"But yeah he also smash people while he at it."
"Hehe lol :3"

With defect, slicer and trooper

"So you guys use guns and not swords?"
"Yeah it's what we do!"
"Ooo maybe you teach me some?"
"I recommend you to trooper! He uses guns really good!"
"Defect you flatter me sometime."
"Heh but it's true tho!"
Trooper and defect just started to compliment each other.
"...did I- did I just became a third wheel?"

With rose and piercer

"So that's how you shoot a bow and arrow?"
"Yep, you did you learned quick."
"Why thank you."
"So you're a scientist right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"So how do you guys do your potions or research stuff, I'm interested in it."
"Oh so we just-

With galf and rebel

"Woah... you have a cat?"
"Yep! Jard cat!"
Rebel eyes sparkled and hugs the cat, holding him gently as the cat meow. Galf chuckled a bit at him.
"Never knew you were a cat person."
"I love cats! ^^"
"Well I found this little bud on the streets, he came up to me and followed me around, so I claim him since he was..."
"Oh, he's so cute!"
"I know right?

(hi kinda rushed but happy early new year)

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