Picnic (gays)

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(Warning : gays |  this ship is between defect rebel and trooper. In this chapter of the book there is no kissing, if you don't like defect x trooper please don't read this chapter)


"Thanks trooper for bringing me here! after what happen...."
"No problem defect! I personally enjoy hanging out with you!"
"Ah.... You do?"
Defect rebel blushes hard, looking away from trooper.
"Of course I do! Who wouldn't?"
Trooper places his hand on defect hand, as defect blushes even more.
"T-thank you..."
"You're welcome!"
"I don't know how to repay you after all you done for me..."
"No need to repay me! I help people when needed!"
Defect suddenly grabs troopers hand, not letting go.
"Defect, you're holding my hand."
"I know..."
"If you wanted to hold hands you could've ask."
"I- really?"
Defect face became flustered as trooper holds his hand.
"Yeah, you always been affectionate to me. Any reasons about that?"
"I- t-that's h-how I am!"
"Oh really now?"
"Might as well make out with me~"
Trooper teases defect, defect moved closer to him.
"Nah I'm just kidding, plus it's weird to do that out of context"
"You're stuttering so much, something wrong?"
"N-nothing! T-trust me.."
"Defect I'm always here for you, what's wrong?"
"W-well... it just that I really don't deserve you... you're so kind and sweet and I-I was horrible in my past! You really deserve someone better..."
"Defect, I already have someone better in front of me."
"...p-p-please don't lie to me..."
Trooper hugs defect pulling him onto his chest.
"Defect, it's alright. People change as time goes on, and plus I don't think your past was that bad."
"T-t-trooper... I-I shot rebel and left him and burnt the camp down! T-that was bad!"
"...what was even the reason you done that?"
"The leader they forced us to do anything! And I was tired of it but I thought rebel didn't care about me since the relationship was really...-
Defect gets cut off by trooper voice.
"Defect, it's alright. I'm sure you didn't mean to, as long you're here with me you be okay."
Defect begins to cry softly as he clings onto trooper tightly and bury his head onto his chest. Trooper pats his back, comforting him. Taking off his hat because it was in the way and it was kinda hurting his chest as well.
Later on
Defect calms down finally as he pulls his head away from his chest.
"S-s-s *sniff* sorry..."
"Sorry? Sorry for what?"
"*sniff* sorry for crying into your chest..."
"No no no, it's alright I don't mind it."
"Y-y-you s-s*sniff*ure?...."
"I'm sure."
Trooper strokes defect hair, still comforting him. Defect leans onto trooper, giving another hug as trooper hugs back.
"T-t-thank you..."
"You're welcome, just to let you know that I'm always here for you no matter what."
"Y-you're so sweet..."
"Thank you darling, if anything's goes wrong just tell me alright?"
"..alright *sniff*"

A flash came.

"Heh, definitely sending this to the internet."
"...guys we gotta run-
The trio ran off (Ava, jard, and bobo)
"*sigh* whatever... as long you're here with me I'm happy.."

(Yeah definitely drawing art of this the milkshake chapter is coming soon btw and damn this was kind of cringe sound like character ai type of stuff, but anyways that's all!)

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