Late halloween

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(Pretend this is Halloween 😭)

It was late at night, October was about to end. But it was the night of the SPOOKY MONTH :D!
Rebel was a vampire,
Jard was a dragon,
And bobo was munci bobo :D
The trio went trick or treating. As they arrive at the last house, knocking on the door...

"It's Christmas! :D"
"Bobo it's Halloween and you're wearing an Halloween costume."
"Bunch of idiots I have to watch..."
The door slowly open, nothing was there just a shadow inside.
"We should go inside and rob them!"
"What?! Bobo no!"
Bobo went inside and the rest follow, the door closed behind them.
" you think we enter into a haunted house?..."
"What makes you think I know?!... I didn't even bring my gun.."
"Whatever this is we are gonna die in the dark-
"I have a lighter! :3"
"Where did you get that from?"
"... :|"
"There some creepy stuff in this house, we should explore for an exit."
The trio explored the house til a voice came.

"Ah! Who has dare to enter this house? It like almost 12! Haven't your parents told you to not go to trick or treating this late?"
"...who are you?.."
"Who am I? I'm glad you ask!"
"I is the overlord! >:3"
Turkey reveals herself dress up as the overlord.
"That not how the overlord acts you know? :0"
"Whatever, can we get our candy?"
"Oh yeah sure! ^^"

The trio went back to the base, jard and bobo bags being full of candy as rebel is a old man just wanna scare children. They enter the base and just went into their room.


"Uhm... guys?"
"Oh my god, what do you want Ava?"
" bobo okay?"
"Huh? What do you mean-
Bobo being hyper having a sugar rush.
"...we gotta do something about it."

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