Subkit (gays)

124 3 12

(Mention of blood warning)

Another day, another day of dealing with Subspace. Medkit, the depressed tired one eye freak doctor having to deal with Subspace everyday, mostly because the fandom forced them to because they think they can fall in love. Well today, medkit is dealing with Subspace whines of how he's ignoring him for no reason.

"You rip out my eye."
"What the phuck you mean Nuh uh?-

But something unexpected happen.
Subspace hand dig deep into medkit eye.
His hand grab his only eye only to then rip it.
Blood drips down on Medkit face.
Medkit pushes away Subspace,
Shoots him, but ends up missing due to his eyes.
Subspace runs off to Biograft with medkit eye.
Medkit stands there in disbelief.
Becoming blind,
With no one to help.
That was when someone called out to him.

"Medkit?! What happen to you!?"
"I... boombox?"

Boombox grab medkits shoulders gently, looking at him in a concerned look. The blood continues to drip down from medkit face, to his eye, cheek, to his chin as the blood drop to the floor. Medkit, who is frozen in shock of what happen.

"Medkit we- we have to help you!"
"Boombox... I-

Boombox grabs wrist and brings him to the doctors.  As he gets brought to the doctor, boombox impatiently wait outside of the room until the doctor told him that he can come in to visit. He enters inside, seeing medkit eyes covered in bandages. He asked in a concerned voice.

"Who did this to you?..."
"That stupid ass Subspace! I knew I shouldn't be allowed him I knew this was gonna happen someday!"

Medkit begins to rant about Subspace before boombox had to go. The next day past by, the door opening as medkit expecting an unexpected visitor. He yells out,

"Subspace if this is you I'm gonna phucking kill you!-
"Doc is me."
Medkit knew who that was, it was banhammer! Always calling him doc.
"Oh hey banhammer. What are you doing here for?"
"I heard you lost your other eye, just wondering who is it."
"It was Subspace."
"Ah! Thank you now I'm gonna talk to him! ^^"
"Banhammer please don't-
"Doc it's for your own good."
"But don't, it's not worth it."
"Fine, but I'm gonna stay to keep you company!"
"...thank you."
"You're welcome doc!"


"So doc how was your past with Subspace?-
"I don't wanna talk about it."

(Sorry subkit people :3)

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