Head canons again!!!!

63 4 16

This includes Ava now

Jard -
Age : 20-21
Struggling in college debt, college, and nextbots
His best friends are : bobo, galf, and defect rebel
Kind of okay at cooking
Can travel through maps/worlds

Relationship with every character (+oc)

Bobo -
He enjoys his time with bobo, spends most of his time with him, basically like partner in crime!

He get worried about him tho due to one of bobo best friend being munci, scared that munci will do something to bobo, so whenever in doubt when munci is with him and bobo he separates bobo from munci as much as possible to at least get some info why munci is best friends with bobo, or to protect bobo.

Jard is completely aware that bobo is a nextbot and avoid every possible conflict that could anger bobo so he wouldn't get killed by him, that what he assumes. Bobo reassure him that he wouldn't kill jard for any reason due to their close friendship.

Jard doesn't know this about bobo but he is unaware that bobo could travel universes. Jard can only travel through maps/world only for example traveling into catabombs, but bobo can travel into other worlds for example Tower Blitz.

Galf -
Goes way back, since he met galf before bobo. They both work together as friends helping each other out with each other problems.

Sometime jard would adore his cat (cat jard) sometimes and just forget that galf is even there, which resolves galf taking the cat away from jard.

Galf never told jard about his problems, him smoking, having to take care of his family, and being $u1c1dal. Jard would notice it and points it out but galf brush it off not wanting to worry jard about his problems. But day by day jard would notice, the cigarettes in the trash can, blood dripping down on his wrist sometimes. Jard is slowly to worry about galf but when mentioned about it galf would just convince him no matter what that it is nothing.

Defect rebel -
Work together and slowly got along! Both are chill and relaxed with each other and get along on a lot of things.

Both help teach other new things! Defect teaching Jard on how to use a gun and Jard teach him close combat!

Jard does not know defect backstory with rebel and will never know. Jard only thinks the reason why Defect Rebel from the rebels it's just that he didn't wanna kill anymore innocents.

Trooper -
Both get along with each other but not to a best friends level. Jard sees trooper as a father figure who is there for him for once!

Rose -
Both got along! Both used to be best friends! They worked together each time as partners in each task.

But jard separated himself from her now working with galf! Jard is neutral with rose, still trusts her!

Jard doesn't know that rose doesn't like him anymore due to the fact he left so unexpectedly, and that rose went out to find him before being ambushed.

Rebel -
Both are enemies. Jard is one of rebel many targets so jard fights back or flight against the rebels. Since jard hold some information that the rebels need, rebels will hunt jard down and gain information for whatever they need and kill him off.

Jard is aware of what the rebels are hunting them for, they want to get information about bobo. So as soon they get a hold of the information they will end off jard due to the fact they are best friend.

Jard doesn't know rebel backstory with defect.

Ava -
Jard hates her guts!!!!! Only because she annoys him time to time.

Jard only hang out with her only because bobo hangs out with her.

Relationship when he is zombie jard!

Bobo - he reframe himself from hurting bobo since he still cares about him
Rose, defect, and trooper - does not recall any memories with them so neutral
Galf - chill with galf since he still have a hold of little memories with him
Rebel - still the enemy
Munci - partners who hate each other!


Bobo -
Age - 15-17 or unknown
Have a nextbot form!
Happy most of the time!
Can travel through universes!
Can be terrifying if wanted!


Jard -
Best friend with him! He gets along with him a lot.

He cares about jard dearly! and will do anything to protect him! Been working in partners for as long they can remember!

Doesn't understand why jard doesn't trust munci.

Galf -
Pretty chill with galf, adores his cat like jard. They tend to have disagreements there and so but they are cool with each other!

Defect rebel -
Cool with each other! Don't talk to each other a lot but very cool with each other!

Knows the exact reason why defect apart away from the rebels, he didn't tell defect but he was there when defect had a little conflict with rebel. (Maybe or maybe not bobo may have spy on the rebels for a bit)

Trooper -
Neutral with him, doesn't have a deep bond or anything like that but are friends without any deeper meaning

Rose -
Think of rose as his mom! So he trust rose a lot just like Jard!

Rebel -
Neutral, doesn't consider him as an enemy

Ava -
Best friends!!!!! Both get along very easily so no conflict with each other (yet)


Galf -
Age : 21-23
A store keeper
Works with Jard
Owns cat jard :3
Chills in his store everyday


Jard -
Both are best friends! They pretty work together everyday.

Bobo -
Pretty chill with him, both tend to have disagreements with something but in the end they are cool with each other!

Everyone else is neutral

(I got lazy at this part sorry but here all the Headcanons for now! I continue the rest if I have time!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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