Part 4

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"Arabella Kacey Jacobsen." I lift my head and quietly move towards the platform. Silently, I am begging myself not to fall or do anything that might make fool out of myself. I step up onto the slightly risen platform and find myself staring into the gray eyes of Mrs. Harrison. She gives me a small smile and I return it. "Arabella was born on November 14, 3124. She was a quietly confident child, never afraid to speak up. She entered school at a young age, but that made no difference as seeing that she is one of the top students in her class. She has many friends and participates in many activities including volunteering at the Child's Center and the Elder Center, helping revitalize our land with her teachers, School Concil, and many school sports such as Volleyball and Track. Some personal achievements of Arabella's are designing wind turbines and solar panels that provide energy to the school, and providing many sources of foods able to withstand the ruined soil. With an all A school record, Arabella is a great example of an able citizen. We are happy to welcome you with open arms. Arabella Jacobsen you have been selected for the Integrity Syllabus."

I feel numb. I hear a quiet mumble of what must be a roar of applause from around me. I must have heard Mrs. Harrison wrong. I don't want this. I can't be chosen. How? I feel a hand on my arm. Mrs. Harrison is congratulating me on my achievement. I smile and step down from the platform. I start walking back to my place in line at a feverish pace. All I want to do is blend in.

As the assembly drags on, I think about what's going to happen next. And I realize I don't know. The information was heavily guarded, hardly ever discussed in our classes. I feel lost, like I'm heading into a dark abyss with a possibility of never coming out. The daze that I'm in is broken when I hear my name mentioned as well as four other people. We are told to come back to the stage. I start walking and I notice the other people with me. Kaiden Woodward, Rosemary Lou, Cormac Strouse, and Hollis James. All top students in our class. We stand in a straight line, with me being next to Rosemary and Kaiden.I put on a happy, grateful face, as if this was the only thing I had ever wanted. Mrs. Harrison announces that we will be heading to the Capitol in week's time. Despite my effort, my face falls at this. So soon. We are told we will need to report to the Province Building as soon as this ends. We all head back to our places and stand tall during our national anthem. It tells of times of war and overcoming our prejudices. When it ends, everyone claps.

Then soft music starts playing and all the graduates exit the stage. The minute I'm off the steps, I am swooped up into a bear hug. My older brother Rowan sets me down and holds me tight. Even though I don't see him as much as I do Ria, it's times like these where I feel we have bond that can never break. Then I feel hand resting on my back. I look up and see my parents holding small, sad smiles with tears in their eyes. I feel a tug at my hand and see Oriana and Beckett looking up at me. And finally someone kisses my forehead. I know that this is Graham. I feel so loved that it is all I can do to not break down. All I do is let the silent years fall.

We stay like this until the hall begins to empty out. My family starts walking towards the west exit to the family housing, while I walk towards the east. All I can think about is my family. How can I leave them? I walk slowly around the campus grounds until I reach my destination. I pause before entering. Before I was a caged bird, now my cage is shrinking, the possibilities drifting away.

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