Lance's Lion Castle: Part 10

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I wonder what Lance disguised himself as

He saw some crows.

Can't be a crow… though he's loud enough to be one.

Some pigeons on a statue.

Certainly not a pigeon. He's too dramatic for that, and Pidge would kill him for mocking her name…

A flying vehicle buzzed overhead with a young woman laughing and clinging to the young man driving it.

That could be him…

He came into contact with a dog that looked similar to Pidge in a way. It had the same colored fur as her hair, and kept pace with his long strides with its short legs.

"Lance, did you seriously disguise yourself as a dog?"

The dog wheezed a cough in response.

"Seriously? Wait until Pidge hears about that."

At Pidge's name, the dog looked up at him and wagged its stubby tail, whimpering excitedly.

"Ok… maybe you're not Lance? He would never be excited for that kid to have blackmail on him."

The dog barked, his tail still wagging furiously.

"Do you know Pidge?"

The dog barked and spun in a few circles.


As he walked through the square before the palace, he saw familiar henchmen carrying a chariot as they slowed to walk beside him.

"Well, well. If it isn't the hideous young man from the hat shop," a voice purred from inside.

Keith felt his hackles raise.


The Wizard of the Waste laughed as he peeked out of the curtained window.

"Thank you for delivering my message to Lancey Lance. How's he doing, by the way?"

"He's acting like a child," Keith snapped, bristling at the wizard's nickname for Lance.

The wizard laughed again.

"And he's working me to the bone, making me clean his house and cook."

More laughter. Keith really wanted to strangle the man. The dog growled at the henchmen.

"What's your business here at the palace?" the wizard asked him.

"Job hunting. I'm sick of working for Lance. What about you?"

"I received a royal invitation. That idiot Honerva realized she really needs my skill and talents to help her."

"If you're so great, why don't you break this stupid curse you put on me?" Keith snapped.

"My dear young man, my skills lie in casting spells and curses, not breaking them. Bye, Beasty."

The henchmen took off and Keith snarled.

"If I knew I wouldn't lose you in the process, I'd have clobbered him."

The dog whined, looking up at Keith.

"I know. I know," Keith sighed as he patted the dog's head.

They made it to the stairs and the wizard's henchmen faltered, disappearing and leaving their ugly outfits behind.

"What's going on here?!" The wizard shouted from inside.

"Sorry, sir," a man called from the guard, "all vehicles are prohibited beyond this point. You'll have to continue on foot."

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