Lance's Lion Castle: Part 19

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After a long while, what remained of Pidge's and Lotor's half of the broken castle came into view. Turniphead was balanced on the open floor, keeping watch. He hopped aside and Pidge sat up, her swollen red eyes taking in what was happening as Lance perched on the floor. As soon as Keith was clear, Lance collapsed, his feathers blowing off of him as he turned back into a human one last time. Keith quickly knelt beside him and gently rolled him over, smoothing his curls back from his face.

"He's d-dead?" Pidge sniffled as she looked at Lance.

"No, not yet, Pidge," Keith said solemnly, getting to his feet and going to Lotor, who saw him coming and cringed away, trying to hide Lance's heart from him.

Keith knelt before him and tentatively reached his hands out for the heart, not touching Lotor.

"Lance needs that back now," he said gently.

"Don't look at me. I don't have it. I don't know what you're talking about," Lotor grumbled.

He wasn't about to give Lance's heart to anyone else. No one deserved it like he did.

Then, Keith hugged the old man, sniffling as he tried to hold himself together.

"Please," he whispered, his voice breaking, "Please give it back."

Lotor sensed his sadness. Keith really loved Lance. Keith was deserving of Lance's heart. And Lotor knew that Lance truly loved Keith in return.

"Do you really want it that badly?" Lotor asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes," Keith responded into Lotor's shoulder, "I do. Please…"

Lotor turned, making Keith release him.

"All right. Take good care of him then," Lotor said wisely, holding his hands out.

Keith accepted the heart from Lotor and thanked him, pressing his forehead to the old man's.

"You have a big heart," he said to Lotor, who sniffled.

No one had ever said anything like that to him before. He gave Keith a small, sad smile as the younger man stood, still holding the heart coated in blue flames. He carefully carried it back to Lance and Pidge, who was beside Lance on her knees, quiet sobs wracking her small frame. The mice poked their heads out of her pockets again, watching what was going on.

Keith knelt beside Lance, opposite Pidge, and spoke.


Hunk's eyes and mouth appeared in the blue flames.

"Keith, I'm… so tired," he croaked.

"If I give Lance back his heart, what will happen to you?"

"I'll be alright if you do it… I think. I mean… you splashed water on me and Lance and I both survived. We'll be ok."

"I'm going to try then, if you're ok with it."

Hunk agreed and Keith took a moment and closed his eyes, feeling Lance's heart beating in his palms.

"It's so warm and pure," he said quietly.

"It's still just the heart of a kid," Hunk said barely above a whisper.

Keith nodded and gently pressed Lance's heart into his chest. The heart disappeared along with the blue flame, but Keith kept his hands over it, waiting. Then, Keith felt Lance's heart beating under his hands. A bright and blinding star rose from Lance's chest through Keith's hands, and Hunk's voice was exclaiming excitedly.

"I'm alive! I'm free! I'm alive!" Hunk shouted as he swept around Keith as a star and then flew off.

Lance grunted, still unconscious on the floor.

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