underneath the rain, soaked, cold and him

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characters: yang jungwon & readergenre: fluff, est

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characters: yang jungwon & reader
genre: fluff, est. relationship
warnings: heavy rain, thunders, soaked in the rain and catching cold after
additional notes: it rains a lot these days that the thought of this cute scenario needs to be written here. and as per usual, please enjoy the short story!
song recommendation: falling in love by cigarettes after sex

word counts: 1140


everything was planned. jungwon and you would spend the rest of the afternoon in the park, strolling around, maybe stop for a short while to go and grab some ice creams, then you'd both continue to walk around the park until the late afternoon just to witness the sunset together.

however, the universe had it planned differently for the both of you today. it rained. heavily, even, halting every outdoor activities possible.

you were quite upset about the weather but would never dared to go against it, since you loves it so much when it rains. you sat by the window as the rain's water kept on making its way towards your shared apartment windows, slightly making a peaceful sounds. the sounds of water pouring, thunders striking seldom times, peace, just peace.

jungwon, on the other hand was planning for something else whilst watching you sitting by the window, peacefully admiring the rain.

he made his way towards you, taking a seat beside and extended his arms to pull you into his warm embrace. "let's do something." he whispered, making you looked up at him in confusion. "what do you want to do? it's raining outside, wonnie." you replied. he smiled, brushing your hair out of your face, "just follow me, it'd be fun!" he exclaimed with a smile.

leaving you with no other choices than to just follow his commands.

you were about to grab the raincoat for the both of you to cover up from the heavy rain, just to be stopped by jungwon's arm, "there's no need for that, sweetie. we are going to play around with the rain and get wet anyways."

you weren't quick enough to process his words when he suddenly pulled you with him to go out of your shared apartment, straight towards the heavy pouring rain outside.

"jungwon! what are we doing?!" you were shouting at this point because it wouldn't be audible to him in this heavy rain. he smiled, showing you his dimple as he got closer to you, just to pull your body closer towards his in attempt of sharing his warmth with you.

he didn't say anything, not even replying to your question before. instead, he grabbed on of your hand and placed it on his shoulder, intertwining your other with his as he snaked another of his around your waist.

"we're going to make another memories like this." he said, and begin to rock your bodies in slow, gentle and delicate moves. left, right, left, right, left, right and repeat. at this moment, you couldn't take your eyes off of each other's as there's smiles adorning both of your faces, heating up both of your cheeks despite the coldness and the feeling that you've got to embrace.

the feeling of to love, to be loved and to be in love.

slowly, naturally, jungwon connected both of your foreheads together, earning another uncontrollable smile from you. he leaned in closer, bopping both of your noses together as you giggled at the contact.

then, of course, absolutely, placing his cold hand on the side of your cheek and leaned in to sealed both of your lips in an unexpected kiss. brushing away some strands of your hair out of your face and tucking them behind your ear just, just to pulled you closer. just to deepened the passionate kiss you shared underneath the heavy rain. he took one of your hand and placed them on his chest where his heart is beating, upon acknowledging you how rapid it was beating at the moment.

at that very special moment, both of your hearts as if beating in the same melody, the same rhythm and calling out for the same names. you felt how jungwon's heart is beating underneath his chest, and you're very sure that he could feel yours too by acknowledging the closeness between you and him.

you felt warm liquid falling down on your cheek as you couldn't tell if that was from the rain or because you were tearing up. you teared up upon realising how lucky you are to have met jungwon, how lucky you are to be gifted someone as good as him to accompany you throughout your life and how lucky you are to be loved by him wholeheartedly. you were lucky. so, lucky.

jungwon pulled away from the kiss after a long minutes in count, staring down at you with hazy eyes, smiling slightly. he placed another short kiss on your forehead and laid his on top of yours.

"i love you." he'd whispered.

you laid your head on his chest, embracing him tight before whispering, "i love you."


ACHOOO! another sneeze came out from you, hurrying jungwon to stood up and grab you the medicine in the kitchen.

yes, you did caught a cold.

and jungwon kept on blaming himself for how careless he was without remembering the fact that you catch cold really easily. after the sweet and tingling moment you shared yesterday, you kept on coughing and sneezing which worried jungwon so much. that was when he decided to check on your temperature, and, voila, 38.5 c°.

"i'm so sorry sweetie," jungwon apologised for the nth time today, walking up to you on the bed with some medicines and a cup of water in his hands. you shook your head, "it's not your fault wonnie, i agreed to your idea anyways. stop taking the blame to yourself, this is my consequences on my own willing too." you assured him, taking the medicine in his hand and swallowed them in a quick action.

jungwon placed his hand on your forehead to check up on your temperature again, "your body temperature is decreasing by time, i'm glad." he sighed, laying your body down on the bed and tucking you underneath the blanket to keep you warm.

"you need to rest." he said, kissing your forehead. you held his hand, pouting, "why won't you stay in bed with me?" he smiled down at you, "i need to put this medicines back in the kitchen, i'll lay beside you in no time, baby." and with that, you let go of him by force.

he came back not long after, going under the blanket to embrace you to sleep. "sleep, baby, i'll be here when you wake up." he whispered, kissing your forehead.

that was the last thing you heard he said before drifting off to sleep peacefully in your lover's arms.

before you went to sleep, think of jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now