19, fake smile

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chapter- nineteen

[real life]


Matt, emily, and madi all took pictures when they were done grocery shopping. now they are at home, trying to bake after they put all the groceries away. emilys house is now fully restocked. 

they decided to play it safe today and make brownies from the box and to fully make them another time. 

"we need eggs, oil, and water" emily reads from the box. "get milk too" she says as she sets the box down; going to get the measuring cups as madi and matt grabbed the ingredients she just named. 

she gets the measuring cups and sets in onto the counter. she's excited that she gets to hang out with madi and matt while getting to have fun doing one of her favorite hobbies ever. then she sees her outfit and decides to get more comfortable. 

"hold on ill be back, im gonna change into something more comfy" emily announces as she walks around the counter and out the room; going to the stairs and up to her room to change. 

madi and matt set the ingredients down, then matt grabs the box and walks over to the oven to get it ready. "hey matt?" madi speaks up; getting a hum from matt in response. "what were u and nick talking about in the group chat earlier" she asks. 

matt tenses up at the question; madi noticing it. he doesnt say anything. he just gets the oven ready and walks over next to her. he sets the box on the counter and leans his back against it; letting out a sigh. 

madi is now concerned. "you okay?" she asks. he looks over at her to find her already looking at him worried. he gives a small smile; having a debate with himself to see if he should tell her now or later. he removes one of the hands from the counter he was leaving on and puts out his pinky. 

madi not asking; going to pinky promise anyway. "pinky promise u won't tell anyone this please" matt asks. madi doesnt speak, she lifts her thumb while their pinkys are wrapped around each other. matt genuinely smiles a bit this time; meeting his thumb with hers. knowing that's her way of confirming a pinky promise. 

he looks back to the stairs to make sure she isn't there. he sighs again and runs his hand in his hair. "chris doesnt want to be friends with emily anymore"matt says softly; with a sad look on his face. madis face turns into a upset and confused one, with her jaw slightly dropped. 

"he hasn't told me the official reason why, i just know he told me and nick that he doesnt want to be friends with her anymore" he continues speaking. 

madi is left with so many questions flooding her mind. "have u told emily" madi asks while looking at the ground; still trying to process. "no, i don't want to. especially not now, chris already did something to upset her today. i cant bring myself to do that" matt answers in a voice just a little above a whisper while he fidgets with his fingers. imagining her crushed she will be if he tells her about it now. 

they both feel sorry for their best friend. she's losing her soulmate like best friend.

"can we not tell her for a while? while things unfold and isn't as upset as she is now" madi asks. he nods in response.

a few seconds of silence pass by. "okay we can deal with these emotions later, we're supposed to have fun and not be sad right now. and we cant let emily know we're upset cause it'll bring down her excited mood" he explains as he leans off the counter. 

madi tries to smile a bit. matt knows its a fake smile, its obvious. "okay uh ill get a bowl" she says as she walks over to the cabinets. "ill get a pan" he says; going to the lower cabinets by the oven. 

once they both have what they need and place it on the counter, footsteps are getting louder and they know emily is coming down. madi looks over to matt, he looks back at her and gives her a reassuring look. 


nick decides to build up the courage to ask chris the reason why he doesnt want to be friends with emily anymore. its so sudden, and literally life changing. he's nervous but he knows it has to be done.

he walks up the stairs and to his door; and gives a light knock. "who is it" chris asks. nick doesnt want to say its him. so after a few seconds of silence, chris shifts off his bed and opens the door. his face softens at the look of his brothers upset face in front of him.

the two don't exchange words, chris just opens the door wider as a silent come in and walks back to the bed. nick walks in behind him; shutting the door and going to sit in a chair. 

silence fills the room as nick looks at his brother that's on his phone. he's still hiding pictures that have emily in them. "why are you here" chris asks. 

"can you be honest with me please" nick then asks. "about?" he questions. 

"why don't you want to be friends with her anymore? like did she do something wrong or are you tired of her all of a sudden? you two have been bestfriends i don't know why it has to change" he rants.

chris stays silent. 

a few minutes pass by and he still hasn't answered any of nicks questions. nor does he plan to. nick genuinely cant take it anymore and exits the room. all chris hears then is the door shut. 

Nailea speaks


hope you enjoyed this chapter, happy new years eve and happy new yearrr i love you and will finish these books as soon as i can💗


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