Chapter 6

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Saturday soon rolled round, Juya was stood in front of her wardrobe looking at all her dresses, wondering what she would wear to the party. As she did, her phone rang. She saw the ID, seeing it was Jovi.

"Hey Jo, you okay?" Juya called as she answered the phone.

"Yeah, I'm in the car heading to my ugly aunt's house but after that, you wanna go shopping for the party?" Jovi suggested.

"Sure, I'll meet you at the mall okay?" Juya replied.

"Yeah sounds good, say around 12?" Jovi called.

"Yeah see you then." Juya said before hanging up.

Juya then laid on her bed relaxing until it was time to leave. She just wondered what Jovi had planned for Sunwoo to notice her.


On the other end, Jovi had hung up and placed her phone in her bag. Sunwoo, who was driving, glanced at his sister.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"Juya." Jovi simply answered.

"Uh, who?" Sunwoo responded, confused.

"She's a girl in your year and classes. Park Juya. She's really pretty~" Jovi said, smiling at her brother. She pulled out her phone again, showing him a picture of Juya.

"Hmm, yeah cute." He mumbled, before turning his focus back to driving.

Jovi smiled to herself, she would get Sunwoo to at least notice Juya tonight at the party. She would find the older girl a sexy dress showing all her perfect curves. Sunwoo wouldn't know what to do.

"Cuter than those cheerleaders." Jovi said.

"Hmm." Sunwoo grumbled.

"We're here." He then added as he pulled up to a small driveway. 

Jovi hopped out of the car, seeing overgrown grass, a few cigarette butts on the floor and on the front door step, a couple of notice letters. Jovi picked one up and read it.

"Woo..." She called.

"Yeah?" Sunwoo called, walking over after making sure the car was locked.

"She's not paid her rent money, this letter said she's gonna be kicked out in a month." Jovi read, passing the notice to her brother.

"Shit." He cursed.

Just then the front door flew open, revealing the siblings' aunt. The pair could smell smoke and alcohol instantly.

"Oh you brats are here, good sit down." She mumbled, letting the siblings in.

The two went and sat down on the sofa, old beer cans laying around, the place looking like a dump. Sunwoo spoke up first.

"What time are the social workers coming?" He questioned.

"In twenty minutes." The aunt mumbled, she sat down, lighting another cigarette.

"Why do you and this place look like shit?" He then asked, the old lady laughed.

"Hey, have some respect you brat!" She shouted, waving her lit cigarette around.

"Being honest." He mumbled, crossing his arms. 

"Why did you have a notice saying you haven't paid your rent?" Jovi asked softly, she always feared the old lady.

"Cause I haven't, are you stupid?" She rudely replied.

"Don't speak to her like that!" Sunwoo shouted.

"Oh look big brother to the rescue like always~" She cooed, a smirk on her face as she puffed on her cigarette.

"At least I care for my family." Sunwoo bit back.

"Your parents didn't want you and I only want the money." She coldly stated.

Sunwoo glared at the old hag as Jovi looked at her lap. Sunwoo then stood up from his seat.

"We're leaving, tell the social workers what the hell you want, I hope you end up in prison, we're out of here and never coming back." He said, pushing Jovi forward gently.

"You'll both end up in foster care!" She shouted as the siblings started leaving.

"I know people, we'll be fine." Sunwoo finally said before leaving, the duo getting into the car again.

"Woo...will we end in foster care?" Jovi asked as Sunwoo started driving.

"No bub, I promise you, we won't go to foster care." He told her.

Jovi nodded silently, she only feared going to a care home, possibly away from her brother and friends.

"So you going to the mall with that Juya girl?" Sunwoo called, changing the subject.

"Yeah, shopping for the party." She said with a nod.

"I'll drop you off, then I'll be at Chanhee's place, okay?" Jovi nodded again as he brother drove. Hopefully shopping got her mind off the subject. 

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