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Now, I think naiwan ko 'yung confidence ko sa bahay, or maybe I lost them during my unexpected encounter with Prince Arlzen when I dressed up as a lady.

"Dan, how are you? Did you enjoy the festival?" nakangiting salubong ni Arlzen as soon as I entered.

Kaya nag dadalawang isip ako kanina kung papasok ba ako ngayon o hindi.

"Yup." Nakangiting tumango naman ako sa kaniya even though feeling ko ay pinagpapawisan na ako dahil sa kaba.

"It was a great festival." I commented atsaka naupo agad sa chair ko, which is sa tabi niya lang din.

Damn it. I need to calm down. Muka namang hindi ako pinagdududahan ni Arlzen. I was totally a different person that night, at hindi naman kami nakapag face-to-face, tanging side lang ng muka ko at yung buhok ko lang ang nakita niya.

"Hi, Danny! Hi, Prince!" Napalingon naman ako sa likuran ko when I heard Charlize voice. Naupo agad siya sa chair na nasa left side ko.

"How's your weekend? Did you enjoy the festival?" nakangiting tanong ni Charlize ng makaupo siya.

"Not really, I was doing my duty during the third day of the event." bagot na sagot naman ni Arlzen.

Napatingin ako sa kaniya, naka tingin lang siya sa harapan. Mukang may iniisip siya, ano kaya yun...

"How about you, Daniel?" biglang tanong ni Charlize sa akin, "Did you watch the parade and the fireworks?"

"Ahm... I wasn't able to go out. But I watched the fireworks from the balcony of my room." tanging sagot ko nalang naman sa kaniya.

Sorry, Charlize. But I really did watch the fireworks from the balcony of my room since nakauwi ako agad dahil do'n sa nangyari.

Hay. I don't know if masusuot ko pa 'yong wig na 'yun.

I hope masuot ko pa ulit 'yun, I really love my appearance and the makeover that Steffa did to me. Sana there's still next time.

Napatingin na lang ako sa labas ng bintana ng classroom namin. The window is just beside Charlize's seat, and from here kitang kita ko ang ganda ng tanawin sa labas.

"Good day, class." Napatingin naman ako sa harapan when I heard our professor's voice.

"Good day, sir." Everyone greeted.

"Get your books, we will now proceed to a new lesson." our professor said as he started browsing his book.

And then that's how our class begins.

Tinanggal ko nalang ang mga unwanted thoughts sa utak ko and instead nag focused nalang sa class namin.

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