Always the Hero

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On the way back to Cloud Recesses, Wei Ying sat atop Lil' Apple, swaying to the motion of the donkey's laid-back stride. Smiling to himself, he raised up four bottles of Emperor's Smile that were tied together with strands of cord. With a wily grin, Wei Ying thought to himself whether or not four bottles were excessive. Smirking, he then decided that he and Lan Zhan would have an excellent night. Lifting his head up, he let the wind rush through his ears and closed his eyes, enjoying the scents of the verdant landscape. Gusu was beautiful with its green mountainous terrain and vast waterfalls that gurgled over rocks. Birds were chirping and he began to feel sleepy as their melody alleviated any tension felt about being back at Cloud Recesses. Although Lan Zhan wanted him there, Wei Ying was still skeptical that other people close to Lan Zhan were not of the same mindset. Trying to cast that from his mind, he let the wind massage his cheeks, and the birds serenade him, while the gentle rocking of Lil' Apple lulled him into tranquility.

In the distance, he heard the cackle of women chittering and squabbling which broke Wei Ying out of his daydream. Opening his eyes, he squinted to see who was making the loud racket up ahead. As they proceeded, he made out that there were four women on the road. Getting closer, he could hear them saying something along the lines of them being lost and blaming one another for the misdirection. Once they noticed Wei Ying approaching, they all looked embarrassed and gazed down to the ground. Still sitting on Lil' Apple, Wei Ying leaned forward and rested on the back of Lil' Apple's neck. "Good afternoon, ladies. How are you all doing?" Giving them a charming smile, his eyes twinkled, and he noticed they all began to giggle. One woman pushed another out in front of him, and she scowled back her friends. Swinging back to face Wei-Ying, she smiled politely and hesitantly replied, "We are fine sir, but we are lost." Sitting up straight, he warmly grinned at her, and he noticed her blushing. Having this effect on women pleased him. In his younger days, all he had to do was look at a young maiden to make her swoon. Now that he was older, he was contented that he had not lost his allure.

The rest of the women giggled behind the forced spokeswoman of the group. Taking a deep breath, he chivalrously asked, "Where are you trying to go?" Looking up at him with big eyes, she timidly explained, "We are cultivators here to attend the lecture at Cloud Recesses. We know that it must be close, but we are unsure if we passed it or not." "Ahhh," Wei Ying murmured in understanding. "Today is your lucky day. I happen to be heading that way myself. I'd be happy to accompany you all there if you like." Turning to her friends, he could tell she was making a pleased face at them judging by their reciprocated expressions. Addressing him again, the woman batted her eyes, and nodded coyly. "That is very kind of you, sir." Hopping off of Lil' Apple, Wei Ying caused the women to nervously step backwards. Raising his brows, he smiled, being caught off guard by their shyness. Putting his hands out in front of him, he gave a bow and introduced himself, "My name is Wei-Ying." Their eyes flashed, and they all respectfully gave a small curtsy. The delegate in turn introduced herself as Hainei, and the other women as Xiu Yang, Zi Han, and Yu Xi. Bowing to them all, Wei Ying lowered his eyes, and looked at each one. They must have been in their late teens as their faces were fresh and vibrant, and they showed inexperience with strangers.

 They must have been in their late teens as their faces were fresh and vibrant, and they showed inexperience with strangers

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