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When Lan Zhan returned from the lectures, he walked back to his quarters with a smirk on his face. All day long, he had been thinking about seeing Wei-Ying, and hearing about his day. In his hand, Lan Zhan carried a rattan lunch basket with white lotus mooncakes,  rice, barbeque pork buns, spicy beef with mushrooms and peapods, and buttered bok choy. Especially excited for Wei-Ying to taste the mooncakes.  He wondered if Wei-Ying had visited the rabbits, or if he was in his workshop. Then, his expression turned to worried. He hoped that he didn't get into any trouble. Giving a sigh, he put his hand behind his back and purposely walked up the path. Upon entering the Cultivation Chamber, there were a couple candles lit, but no Wei-Ying. Looking around the main room, Lan Zhan called out, "Wei-Ying?" There was silence. Noticing a piece of paper on the table, he walked over to examine the note. It was from Wei-Ying. The letter said,

"Lan Zhan,

 If you are reading this, you made it back before me. Don't worry. I am in my workshop and have a surprise for you. Wait for me. 


Breathing out a sigh of relief, Lan Zhan's shoulders relaxed knowing that Wei-Ying wasn't in any imminent danger. Taking a seat at the table and carefully placing his sword beside him on the floor, Lan Zhan began to pour two cups of wine. Now that Wei-Ying was living with him full-time, he made sure to have a stocked collection of beverages for him. Glancing out the door way, Lan Zhan frowned. It was dark out. Deciding that there must be something wrong, Lan Zhan grabbed his sword, and stood to find Wei-Ying.

A few moments later, Wei-Ying came scampering into the room

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A few moments later, Wei-Ying came scampering into the room. Lan Zhan stoically looked at him. Raising his eyes brows, Wei-Ying said, "Lan Zhan. Is everything alright?" Looking downwards, worriedly, Lan Zhan's shoulders relaxed, and he sat back down. Feeling like he had done something wrong, Wei-Ying bit his lip trying to figure out what he did. Judging by Lan Zhan's displeased expression, it could only mean that he was worried about him. In the past, Wei-Ying mistook Lan Zhan's silent broodiness for contempt or annoyance. Quite the opposite, Lan Zhan had been concerned about him. 

Breathing out a tiny laugh, Wei-Ying apologized, "Lan Zhan. I know it is dark out, but I wanted to finish what I was working on. As soon as I was done, I came right here." Wei-Ying was holding up three fingers to emphasize that he was serious. Sensing Lan Zhan had accepted his apology, Wei-Ying's eyes flickered to the table where he saw food and wine. Smiling warmly at Lan Zhan, he jaunted over and sat beside his companion. "Lan Zhan," Wei-Ying said, "Everything looks so tasty. I'm starving." Suddenly he noticed the mooncakes. Lan Zhan was elated to see Wei-Ying's eyes widen in excitement. "Lan Zhan!" Wei-Ying exclaimed, "White Lotus Cakes? Where did you find those?" Trying to hide his delight, Lan Zhan enigmatically directed, "Have one." Not waiting for a second invitation, Wei-Ying grabbed one and shoved it into his mouth. As he began to chew, his pushed the food to both of his cheeks with his tongue, and mumbled, "These are delicious!"

 As he began to chew, his pushed the food to both of his cheeks with his tongue, and mumbled, "These are delicious!"

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Once the food was gone, Wei-Ying slumped backwards, and propped himself up on his elbows, "Lan Zhan. I feel sick." Giving a feigned scowl, Lan Zhan gave him a quick look as a response. Pouting out his bottom lip, Wei-Ying whined, "Lan Zhan. Don't look at me like that. It's not my fault. You got all of my favorite foods and I haven't eaten anything all day." Not being able to keep up the charade, Lan Zhan couldn't help but grin sheepishly, agreeing that he did get all of Wei-Ying's preferred food. 

As if he remembered something urgent, Wei-Ying sat upright and spouted, "Lan Zhan! I need to show you what I made in my workshop today." Foraging around in his pocket, he produced a handkerchief which he held tightly in his palm as if it were going to attempt an escape. With a look of child-like wonderment, he gazed over at Lan Zhan. Beginning to open the ornate fabric, Wei-Ying began to explain what he had created. "Lan Zhan. I was thinking. Since we are soulmates, we should do something to symbolize how we both feel." Shyly, he glanced down at the two metallic rings in his hand. Clearing his throat he continued, "Most exclusive couples wear something from the other person's family to show they are committed to one another, and I know that would be too obvious for us. So, I thought we could wear matching rings. Then no one would suspect anything, but we would know the meaning." 

With an indescribable expression on his face, Lan Zhan stared at Wei-Ying

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With an indescribable expression on his face, Lan Zhan stared at Wei-Ying. Giving him a nervous smile, Wei-Ying asked, "Lan Zhan. Do you like this idea?" Lan Zhan had never been given a present such as this before, and what Wei-Ying was suggesting made his heart flutter. More or less, Wei-Ying was expressing that he wanted them to be married. Giving a hard swallow of shock and  excited jubilation, Lan Zhan's mouth formed a tender smile. Waiting with baited breath for confirmation from Lan Zhan, Wei-Ying anticipated his response. When Lan Zhan gave him his best smile and a quick nod, Wei-Ying's cheeks rose causing his eyes to squint as a huge grin appeared.

Eagerly, Wei-Ying took a ring from the cloth and placed the other on the table beside them. Taking Lan Zhan's hand, he slipped the ring on. Lan Zhan felt like he was going to shed as tear, but he was astonished at how well it fit his finger and the intricate designs Wei-Ying had engraved. Giving Lan Zhan a knowing smile, Wei-Ying commented, "It fits good, right?" Lan Zhan just let out a sigh, and continued to smirk at Wei-Ying. Excitedly, Wei-Ying took the other ring and said, "Now you put mine on me," while holding out his hand. Shyly, Lan Zhan took the ring, and gently slid it onto Wei-Ying's finger. Lan Zhan could not think of another time he had felt so happy. Wei-Ying continued to give Lan Zhan an endearing grin, and said, "Now we are proper soulmates. Right, Lan Zhan?" Staring at his beloved Wei-Ying, Lan Zhan replied with an affectionate, "Right." 

Needless to say, Wei-Ying and Lan Zhan lived happily ever after. You're welcome!

 You're welcome!

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